The 21st International Conference of the International
Association for Intercultural Communication Studies (IAICS)
The 11th Biennual Int
ernational Conference of the Ch cultural Communication (CAF |
ina Association for
Call for Submissions
Conference Theme: “Cultur
Conference Time: July 15-1
Conference Venue: The Hon
Conference Goals:
To provide scholars, educ
opportunities to interact, n
intercultural communicati
To synthesize research per
integrated approaches to c
To advance the methodol
findings to facilitate unde
To foster global intercultu
and other stakeholders wo
communication issues.
, Communication, and Hybridity in an Age o
, 2015
g Kong Polytechnic University, Hong Kong
ators and practitioners from different cultural etwork and benefit from each other’s researc
on issues;
spectives and foster interdisciplinary scholarl omplex problems of communication across c
gy for intercultural communication research
standing across cultures;
ral sensitivity and involve educators, busines rldwide in the discourse about diversity and
ned as, but not limited to, the following:
, 2015
g Kong Polytechnic University, Hong Kong
ators and practitioners from different cultural etwork and benefit from each other’s researc
on issues;
spectives and foster interdisciplinary scholarl omplex problems of communication across c
gy for intercultural communication research
standing across cultures;
ral sensitivity and involve educators, busines rldwide in the discourse about diversity and
ned as, but not limited to, the following:
f Globalization”
communities with
h and expertise related to
y dialogues for developing ultures;
and disseminate practical
s professionals, students ranscultural
communities with
h and expertise related to
y dialogues for developing ultures;
and disseminate practical
s professionals, students ranscultural
Topic areas are broadly defi
Advertising and marketin
Bilingual and multilingua
Bilingual education
Comparative literature
Conflict, mediation and n
Corporate culture and ma Crisis/risk communicatio Cross-cultural adaptation Cross-cultural interaction Culture and diplomacy Digital communication ac Ethnic studies
Gender issues and commu Glocalization Group/Organizational co
Corporate culture and ma Crisis/risk communicatio Cross-cultural adaptation Cross-cultural interaction Culture and diplomacy Digital communication ac Ethnic studies
Gender issues and commu Glocalization Group/Organizational co
across cultures
Intercultural and mul
Intercultural pragmat
Interethnic communi
Interpersonal commu
Language and cultur
Language planning a
Media and transcultu
Multiple cultures and
Philosophy and hum
Psychological comm
Public opinions and
Public relations
Rhetorical communi
Second language edu
Social media and co
Sustainability and gl
tilingual education
cation and relations nication and relations
l hybridity
nd policy
ral communication
n behavior patterns
unication studies ublic policy
ation cation
munication balization
cation and relations nication and relations
l hybridity
nd policy
ral communication
n behavior patterns
unication studies ublic policy
ation cation
munication balization
gotiation across
ross cultures nication
ross cultures nication
Health communication
Intercultural communicati
Intercultural communicati
on competence
on and politics
Transculturality in gl
Translation studies
Verbal and nonverbal
obal context
o r
g l
n n
o r
g l
n n
a p c
m o
a p c
m o
Guidelines for Submissions
Categories: Abstract, panel proposals, and workshop proposals may be accepted.
Categories: Abstract, panel proposals, and workshop proposals may be accepted.
Abstract, 150-250 words in English, including positions, affiliations, email addresses and mailing
addresses for all authors.
Panel proposals reflecting the conference theme may be submitted. All panel proposals should
provide a 100-word rationale and a 100-200 word abstract of each panelist's paper; include
affiliation and email addresses for each panelist.
Workshop proposals relevant to the conference theme may be submitted. Proposals should be 3-5
pages in length, single spaced.
Deadline: Please submit abstracts by January 11, 2015, and panel/workshop proposals and roundtable discussion sessions by February 1, 2015.
Submission to:
Conference Working Languages: English and Chinese
Conference host: Department of Chinese and Bilingual Studies, The Hong Kong Polytechnic
Conference website:;
Sample Abstract
The Development and Validation of the Intercultural Sensitivity Scale
Guo-Ming Chen, Ph.D. Department of Communication Studies University of Rhode Island Kingston, RI 02881, USA Email:
The present study developed and assessed reliability and validity of a new instrument, the Intercultural Sensitivity Scale (ISS). Based on a review of the literature, 44 items thought to be important for intercultural sensitivity were generated for the purpose of analyses in this study. A sample of 414 college students rated these items and generated a 24-item final version of the instrument which contains five factors. An assessment of concurrent validity from 162 participants indicated that the ISS was significantly correlated with other related scales, including interaction attentiveness, impression rewarding, self-esteem, self-monitoring, and perspective taking. In addition, the predicted validity test from 174 participants showed that individuals with high ISS scores also scored high in intercultural effectiveness and intercultural communication attitude scales. Potential limitations and future direction for the study in this line of research were discussed as well.