Thursday, October 17, 2013


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It's been another exciting week for Team Fung.  Over the course of the past two weeks, Mayor Fung has been named on the Hot List in GoLocalProv's "Who's Hot...Who's Not" and there are plenty of reasons why. For starters, the Mayor put up another six figure quarter, raising over one hundred thousand dollars. This is the second consecutive quarter that the Mayor has been able to break the six figure threshold. These are especially strong fundraising numbers for a Republican in an off election year. It is clear that the grassroots support is behind him in Rhode Island. Also, it was an extremely busy weekend. Though we were visiting many cities and towns, one message remained the same, Rhode Island needs new leadership.
Last, and certainly not least, a new Brown poll shows Mayor Fung and the Treasurer tied in the race for the next governor of Rhode Island. Professor Orr of Brown explained on WPRO how the Mayor is stronger among independents than the Treasurer. This is only one example proving that the Mayor not only has support among Cranstonians, but statewide as well. Of significant note, the people of Rhode Island are only beginning to learn of the great things the Mayor is doing in Cranston, but they are going to be learning a lot more on November 4th!

 Please mark your calendars for November 4th for a major announcement from Mayor Fung. There will be more details to follow in the coming weeks. Stay tuned!

 If you missed it, please make sure to read the newest piece from Asian Fortune, a national publication, on the Mayor entitled "Mayor Allan Fung Climbs Ladder of Success."


Committee for Allan Fung 


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P.O. Box 8542 Cranston, RI 02921

Monday, October 7, 2013

台北經文處與羅州新港圖書館合辦 「台灣電影展」與文化展演系列活動

駐波士頓台北經濟文化辦事處與羅德島州新港公共圖書館(Newport Public Library)訂於本(10)11日及25分別在該館放映「最好的時光」及「海角七號」等兩部台灣電影;並於1026日在該館推出台灣民俗表演與手工藝示範,另備台灣特色點心與飲料供來賓品嘗。前述活動均免費開放各界參加,歡迎踴躍前往。
訂於1011日(星期五)下午230分放映之台灣電影「最好的時光」(Three Times)為台灣著名導演侯孝賢2005年作品,由著名演員舒淇、張震主演。內容為三個不同時代之愛情故事,分別是戀愛夢、自由夢及青春夢。該片曾獲坎城影展金棕櫚獎提名,金馬獎最佳女主角獎、年度傑出台灣電影獎及年度傑出台灣電影工作者獎(侯孝賢)等獎項。
此外,著名台灣導演魏德聖執導的「海角七號」(Cape No. 7)訂於1025日(星期五)下午230分在新港圖書館放映。該電影於2008年推出後,在台灣帶來一陣風潮,該片票房創下國片紀錄,僅次於冠軍電影「鐵達尼號」。該電影為浪漫音樂喜劇,內容雋永,曾獲金馬獎最佳男配角(馬如龍)、最佳原創電影音樂、年度傑出台灣電影、觀眾票選年度最佳電影及最佳傑出電影工作者(魏德聖)等獎項。


新港公共圖書館位於300 Spring Street, Newport, Rhode Island 02840。活動相關資訊請洽該館Mr. Luke Owens,電話401-847-8720209,或,或洽駐波士頓辦事處617-737-2058朱永昌組長。



星星中文学校2013-2014学年度已于96日正式开始,老生注册及新生报名工作进展顺利。至今我们学校的各项教学工作都已开展。今年学校共开设八个中文班,七个数学班。SAT数学班已开设多年,学生反映很好。在此基础上,应大多数高中学生及其家长的要求,学校将原有的《中文》第十册班改为中文高级班, 增加了SAT中文、AP中文和HSK的辅导内容;同时,新增设的英文写作班和SAT 英文班也已在928日正式开始上课,聘请了具有丰富教学经验的资深高中英文教师教授这两门课程,主要针对参加SAT 英文考试的技巧对学生进行强化训练。第一次课结束后,学生反映很好。


