Tuesday, August 6, 2013

SBA New England Regional Review

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July 2013

SBA New England Regional Review

Brought to you by the U.S. Small Business Administration/Boston Regional Office

Affordable Care Act 101 Weekly Webinar Series For Small Business Owners

Affordable Care Act
The Small Business Administration and Small Business Majority are launching the Affordable Care Act 101 weekly webinar series.  Each week, SBA representatives will walk through the key pieces of the law so that small business owners can understand the facts and make the most informed decisions they can about providing health insurance for their employees.

Seth A. Goodall Appointed SBA New England Regional Administrator

Jeanne Hulit swears in Seth Goodall
Outgoing SBA New England Regional Administrator Jeanne A. Hulit swears in incoming Regional Administrator Seth A. Goodall in Concord, New Hampshire on July 10, 2013.


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SBA Community

Boston Regional Office

10 Causeway Street
Room 265
Boston, Mass 02222 
Phone: 617-565-5572
website: sba.gov/region-i

Office Directory

Seth A. Goodall
Phone: 617-565-8416     Email: seth.goodall@sba.gov
Lynn Bromley, Regional Advocate
Phone: 617-565-8418     Email: lynn.bromley@sba.gov
Joan M. Trudell, Regional Communications Director
Phone: 617-565-5572     Email: joan.trudell@sba.gov 
Elizabeth Moisuk, Administrative Resources Coordinator 
Phone: 617-565-8416     Email: elizabeth.moisuk@sba.gov 

Celebrate Education Night @ RIIFF

Celebrate Education Night @ RIIFF
With Honorees Sherilyn Brown, Dana Neugent and Lew Place
& see the film Pell Grants: A Passion for Education

            The Rhode Island International Film Festival (RIIFF) is presenting Producers Circle Awards to three very special friends of RISCA and the educational film community, Sherilyn Brown, Dana Neugent and Lew Place, on Wednesday, August 7, 2013 at 7 PM at The Vets in Providence. This award is presented to members of the community who have actively worked to support and promote the mission of Flickers: The Rhode Island International Film Festival.

Sherilyn Brown, Education Director at the Rhode Island State Council on the Arts (RISCA), has worked closely with the RI Film & Television Office and the RI Arts Learning Network on the Give Me Five Teen Film Festival and has been a tireless supporter of media education for young Rhode Islanders. Her vast experience and knowledge have enhanced arts education in our beautiful Ocean State for over 25 years.

Dana Neugent, Media Supervisor at the URI/Kingston Campus and Adjunct Assistant Professor in the Film/Media Program, has been in the film/video business for over 25 years. He has worked on commercials, marketing videos, educational videos, documentaries, news stories and short and feature length films. He is a former RISCA Council Member and currently serves on the Advisory Board of Directors for the Rhode Island Film Collaborative.  He has won numerous national and regional awards for his film and video work and in 2009 he was awarded the Metcalf Diversity in Media Award by Rhode Island Community for Social Justice.

Lew Place, Webmaster/Location Photographer for the Rhode Island Film & Television Office, is an accomplished editor who has contributed to many promotional and educational videos, and he is an experienced motion picture and television prop maker. He has helped build a very user-friendly website for the Film Office, and his unique photographs have been published in and on the covers of national and international magazines and newspapers. 

Pell Grants: A Passion for Education, a film by Steven Feinberg, will screen after the awards presentation ceremony.  This documentary  highlights the compelling, often suspenseful behind-the-scenes battles privately waged behind closed doors in Washington, D.C. during the 1970's. Also showcased are leaders who have been positively impacted by the Pell Grant, those who fiercely oppose the program and the current fight for the survival of the Pell Grants by a wave of students actively promoting their views through social networking and media. The war for the future of American education has begun. Who will win?
A Q&A with a panel consisting of the film makers and legendary special guests, moderated by veteran award winning investigative reporter Jim Taricani of WJAR-TV, will close out the program.
Tickets are available for $10 at the door or online at www.rifilmfest.org. Call 401-861-4445 for additional information. 


國際領袖基金會新英格蘭分會主席葉超,81日晚在華府首都希爾頓大飯店舉行的「國際領袖基金會年度頒獎晚宴」中,獲頒「領袖才能獎」,和獲頒2013 ILF「全球先鋒獎」的中國航運集團董事主席陳峰等十餘人,在包括聯邦眾議員趙美心,孟昭文等嘉賓在內的數百名出席者面前,獲得表揚。
            國際領袖基金會(International Leadership Foundation,簡稱ILF)是個以培訓亞裔青年領袖人才為宗旨的非牟利組織,今年遴選了35名來自全美各地優秀亞裔大學生參加「暑期公共事務實習計劃」,分別進美國聯邦政府財政部、商務部、農業部、勞工部、退伍軍人事務部、國務院、健康與社服部、國防部及國會眾議院等各部門進行為期六週的正式實習。另外選了52名來自海峽兩岸的優秀研究生與大學生參加「國際傑出青年親善大使培訓計劃」,在過去兩週內到美東地區紐約、波士頓、華府等地,接受ILF精心安排的國際事務與領袖才能培訓。
            81日,該會和「美國亞裔商業聯盟組織(CAABO, Coalition of Asian American Business Organizations)」聯合主辦2013年「企業與領袖高峰會(2013 Leadership & Business Conference)」,並舉辦了「國際領袖基金會年度頒獎晚宴」,以及「國際傑出青年親善大使培訓計劃」結業典禮。
            白宮商業發展辦公室主任 Ari Matusiak與聯邦商務部少數族裔商業發展總署(MBDA)總署長大衛.韓森(David Hinson),以及白宮總統亞太顧問委員會主席郭為婉(Daphne Kwok)、白宮總統亞太顧問委員葛懷中(Ramey Ko)聯邦商務部亞太事務副次長Craig Allen美國進出口銀行董事Patricia Loui 、美國前國務卿奧爾布賴特辦公室高級總監、前美國上海總領事Henry Levine維吉尼亞州商務鄭叔(Jim Cheng)全美美國印度商會執行長Sanjay Puri Comcast公司副總裁 Johnnie Giles以及NRG Power公司總監 Derrick Nguyen等人,在「企業與領袖高峰會」中就「如何促進美國與亞洲的貿易關係、「美國亞裔商業領袖應該如何與政府合作共同開發亞洲市場」以及「聯邦政府期望藉由提高中小企業出口額以刺激美國整體經濟等議題,都發表了許多精闢看法。
國際領袖基金會的榮譽主席、聯邦交通部部長峰田(Norman Y.  Mineta)、美國聯邦國會議員趙美心(Judy Chu)、本田(Michael Honda)、孟昭文(Grace Meng)等亞裔政要均以貴賓身份出席。
            當晚獲頒獎項者,分別為獲「終身成就獎」的豐田汽車企業美國地區總裁Yoshimi Inaba,獲得「團體服務獎」的「國會亞太裔小組(Congressional Asian Pacific American CaucusCAPAC)」。
「國會亞太裔小組」723日才晉見了奧巴馬總統,當面向奧巴馬提出移民改革應更重視亞太裔權益、聯邦政府內應增加亞太裔內閣成員以及提供亞太裔社區有關「奧巴馬健保」(Obama Care)的翻譯文宣與申請表格等建言。
趙美心當晚在頒獎時指出,自從奧巴馬總統上任後,獲指派為法官的亞裔人數倍增,由之前的8人增為21人。陳中和(Raymond T. Chan)也甫獲聘為聯邦巡迴上訴法院法官,希望將來最高法院法官也有亞裔。
當晚獲頒「領袖才能獎」的有10人。分別為:全美洲中華會所聯誼會秘書長黃金泉(Larry Wong);甫卸任北美洲台灣旅館公會聯合總會長一職的許文忠(Steve Hsu);曾獲頒羅德島州普塔基基金會「年度人物獎」的羅德島華人協會主席葉超(Louis Yip);美京華人活動中心董事長蔡德樑(Stan Tsai);獲選為2012-2013國家婦女協會「年度女性獎」的Kathy Group Inc. 總裁劉延璋(Jan Liu)Kathy Group Inc. 總裁;康卡斯電訊發展事業公司外事主任Johnnie GilesWalter Reed National Military Medical Center專業外科醫師Dr. Rahul M. Jindal;律師Marty Lorenzo等。







      52名來自北京、上海、台北的青年大使,在紐約參訪5日後,726日下午抵達哈佛大學,上了一堂「美國的預算及債務問題:診斷及解學方案」的,再與麻州眾議員黃子安、陳德基,哈佛學者Adam FrangeSamuel Singer等人晤談。
      Samuel Singer剛從哈佛大學畢業,將赴加拿大工作。他以中文歡迎青年大使們到訪,表示自己曾訪北京、台北,深知行走地方,對文化交流、國際理解的重要性。
      Adam Frange是社區健康會(Community Health Council)創辦主任之一。當晚他向青年大使們表示,哈佛大學有意把全球健康(global health)變成一門學科,藉以強調世界人類的健康,彼此習習相關。他還介紹全球健康協會(Global Health Council)在秘魯已進行了六個月的醫護工作,指出19個月前的一場大洪水,不但破壞了當地1700多戶人家住處,更有數難以計人們面對著有病痛,沒醫生的困境,全球健康協會因此進駐。





國際領袖基金會(ILF)來自北京、上海、台北的52名『國際青年親善大使』,昨(26)日拜會羅德島州,參訪州議會,並獲州長查菲(Lincoln Chafee)接見。
      國際領袖基金會(International Leadership Foundation)是個非營利性組織,以促進美國及亞太地區進行國際交流,培育國際青年政經領袖為宗旨,經辦的『國際傑出青年培訓計劃』,培訓來自美國以外地區青年。
      過去5天,他們在紐約參訪聯合國,紐約股票交易所,修習Coro領袖培訓機構安排的課程,昨日來到羅德島州、麻州,早上參訪羅州普域敦斯市的羅德島州政府大樓,參眾兩會議室廳,還在羅州克蘭斯頓市市長馮偉杰、羅州參議員Joshua Miller親自主持下,在羅州參議會議室廳就槍枝管制、墮胎等議題進行辯論,實地感受當議員滋味。
      羅州參議員Joshua Miller也簡述了羅州議會變化,議員人數的縮減是其中之一。如今羅州參議員只有38人,其中共和黨籍5人;眾議員75人,共和黨籍約8人。
      羅州克蘭斯頓市市長馮偉杰表示,青年大使們的辯論十分精彩。他尤其欣賞其中一名提出夏威夷州某族裔人民,有持槍打獵的文化與保護自身安全傳統,管制槍枝對這些人來說不公平的說法。Joshua Miller很欣賞其中一名學生從核子戰爭角度來談武器落入壞人手中,可能造成世界毀滅的後果。
      ILF的『國際青年親善大使』團,昨日參訪羅州議會後,轉往普塔基市的中國飯店,和ILF新英格蘭分會的董事,葉超、吳子平、萬寅生,王曉元、章賢信、黃樺、畢靈頓(Bob Billington)等人聚談,享用龍蝦大餐。羅州康柏蘭(Cumberland)市長麥基(Daniel McKee)、羅州參議會議長的幕僚長Tom Coderre等人,也都加入與學生共餐行列,歡迎他們到訪羅德島州。



      國際領袖基金會新英格蘭分會董事和嘉賓及國際青年大使合影。前排右起,王曉元、畢靈頓、董繼玲,馮偉杰、麥基(Daniel McKee)、吳子平、葉超、齊牧師、黃樺等人。(菊子攝)


Thursday, August 1, 2013

Newport Mansions News & Events

Quick Links:

Like us on Facebook

Save the Dates
 August 2-August 3
Newport Mansions Stores Warehouse Sale

August 3
A Summer Venetian Masked Ball at The Elms

August 6
An Evening in Honor of John G. Winslow: Life on the Riviera

August 19
Annual Golf Outing

August 21
Lecture: Outrageously Eclectic:The Architecture of Robert Robertson

August 30-Sept. 2
Newport Mansions Stores Members' Sale

September 5
Lecture: Caring for the Properties of the National Trust of Scotland

Sept. 20-22
Newport Mansions
Wine & Food Festival

October 23
Lecture: Newport Awheel: The Speed & Style of Early Transportation

November 14-17
Newport Mansions Stores Members' Sale

November 23-Jan. 1
Christmas at the Newport Mansions

December 6-7
Newport Mansions Stores Warehouse Sale

December 21
Holiday Dinner Dance 

Newport Mansions News & Events
Life on the Riviera

How did the French Riviera evolve from a collection of sleepy fishing villages to a gilded summer resort for the rich and famous?  David Garrard Lowe, President of the Beaux Arts Alliance, will discuss the history of the "Cote d'Azur" during the annual Evening in Honor of John G. Winslow at 8 p.m. on Tuesday, August 6 at Rosecliff.

Space is limited, so make your reservations online now forLife on the Riviera, or call (401) 847-1000 ext. 154.
Outrageously Eclectic  

Architect Robert H. Robertson designed hundreds of extraordinary buildings along the East coast, including Hammersmith Farm and three other buildings in Newport. Praised for his highly personal, idiosyncratic and creative designs, he helped define most of the major American architectural types with his unique interpretation on the popular Queen Anne, Richardsonian Romanesque, Gothic Revival, Shingle and Adirondack styles. Join us at 11 a.m. on Wednesday, August 21 at Rosecliff for a lecture by architectural historian Dan Snydacker on this mostly forgotten but important American architect. 

Learn more and register online for Outrageously Eclectic, or call (401) 847-1000 ext. 154.
Movie on the Lawn at Rosecliff

In partnership with NewportFILM Outdoors, the documentary "Running From Crazy" will be shown on the lawn at Rosecliff on Thursday, August 1, at 8 p.m. But get there early, because a live concert by James Montgomery and Newport Shoals will precede the film from 6 -8 p.m.    Learn more.
Children's Workshops Offered

The Preservation Society is running a series of children's summer workshops every Thursday in August.
Various programs suitable for several age groups include a story time, how to become a junior drafter and learning to draw an architectural masterpiece, and a chance to create your own miniature landscape.    

golf carts
Play Golf With Us 

August is National Golf Month.  Celebrate by playing golf with us at Newport National Golf Club on Monday, August 19.  Our annual golf outing includes a fun day of golf at an award-winning course, lunch and refreshments on the course, cocktails and a light supper along with awards and an auction afterward.    

For information on how to register to play or become a sponsor, email Events@NewportMansions.org.

August is a Great Month for Shopping

Looking for some great summer gift ideas, or just some new accessories for yourself or your home?  Don't miss our summer Warehouse Sale, Friday and Saturday, August 2-3, for savings from 50-75% on jewelry, ceramics, housewares, books, accessories, toys, and more. The sale takes place at the Newport Mansions Store warehouse at 215 Third Street in Newport, from 9 am  
to 4 p.m. each day.

If you don't find what you're looking for there, take advantage of our summer Members' Sale,  
August 30-September 2 at all of the Newport Mansions Stores, or online at NewportStyle.net.  Preservation Society members save 25% on all purchases. 
Newport Mansions Wine & Food Festival 
Adds New Events 

We've added two exciting new events to the festivities atthe Newport Mansions Wine & Food Festival, taking placeSeptember 20-22, 2013.  On Saturday night, after a day of sampling wines at the Grand Tasting, join us for a nightcap and more fun at the Newport After Dark party, at 41 North on the Newport waterfront.  You can also be one of an exclusive few to enjoy brunch with Iron Chef Alex Guarnaschelli on Sunday morning in the Gold Room of Marble House, prior to the Sunday Grand Tasting.  Of course we still have our popular Wine & Rosecliff gala, two days of Grand Tastings, the Collectible Wine Dinner, educational seminars, book signings and much more.
The Festival is presented by FOOD & WINE magazine. 

Learn more and purchase tickets now for the Newport Mansions Wine & Food Festival.