Thursday, September 30, 2010

10/3, 10/4 新心事工 音樂會

羅德島華人基督教會特邀 "新心音樂事工" 於十月三日、四日,在教會普塔基市(Pawtucket)會址內,舉辦兩場音樂佈道會。

103(週日)5PM9:30PM場,主題為迎新晚會,將以遊戲、晚餐、詩歌迎新佈道會、賞月、吃月餅、抽獎等活動,歡迎共約350名,今年抵羅州各大學深造的華人新生。這場晚會,免費招待遠來本地求學的學子、學人,歡迎新舊生一起參加。查詢可冾401-722-8877,黃天佑牧師,宋建人,宋秀珍 , 或與各大學的學生會會長聯絡以及安排接送。104(週一)11 pm - 凌晨12:30 am這場,特別為餐飲業仝人安排,歡迎各餐飲業仝人經過一天繁忙後,到羅德島華人基督教會輕鬆享受一場音樂晚會。

Tuesday, September 7, 2010


吹海風賞豪宅吃龍蝦 新港郊遊樂


羅德島華人基督教會的郊遊活動,多年來都是由吳子平策劃,今年礙於時間匆促,他們就近挑了州內的聞名旅遊景點新港市一遊,除了搭船出海,在藍天白雲碧波之中倘佯一小時外,還開車到亞當斯港欣賞「金門大橋」、拍照,穿越布仁頓點州立公園(Brenton Point State Park),歡喜欣賞飄滿天空,爭奇鬥豔的各色風箏,沿路還在海洋大道(Ocean Drive)、貝勒維(Belleuve)大道上遠朓新港出名的豪宅。

最讓耆英們開心的是,遊罷歸來,在甄小莉開的「新華飯店(Red Ginger,紅薑)」餐廳,享用從新港買回來的新鮮龍蝦,和一眾好友暢談當天所見,各人近況,打牙祭也「打牙較」,十分開心。







羅德島州新港市的風箏節每年七月左右舉辦。九月六日這天,陽光好,徐風足,自行到布仁頓點州立公園(Brenton Point State Park)放風箏的人,把天空妝點的有如特別節日。

Friday, September 3, 2010

馮偉傑競選連任 羅州華人傾力支持



馮偉杰在惠洛道(Wheelock Avenue.)上具有史蹟地位的橡木草坪穀倉(Oak lawn Grange)內告訴逾百名的出席支持者,儘管羅州的州政府補助刪減,以及經濟不景,使得羅州的失業率創下歷史新高,但克蘭斯頓市卻有著到今年底應都能平衡的預算。他說這全因為克市做了預算刪減、裁員、工會讓步,整個的工作流程變動,以及他出面協,使得市府工會同意讓步的結果。


在經濟發展上,馮偉杰說,他的眼光放在艾姆塢威靈頓道迴廊(Elmwood-Wellington avenues corridor)上的230畝地上,計劃在那建一個通勤火車站,旁邊蓋滿住宅、購物商場及河畔公園。羅州普域敦斯報(Providence Journal)在報導中指稱,這一遠景最初是一名當地的計劃師及建築師Kenneth J. Filarski首先提出來的。


根據選舉報告,共和黨籍的馮偉傑,競選財庫內約有八萬五千元,他的競爭對手為克市前任市長Michael T. Napolitano的競選經理,民主黨籍的Richard R. Tomlins

Thursday, September 2, 2010



Workshops on How to Prepare for
RISCA's October 1 Grants Deadline -
Coming to a city or town near you!
In this issue
Project Grants to Organizations
Project Grants for Education
Grants to Individual Artists
Folk Arts Apprenticeships

Project Grants to Organizations
Through Project Grants to Organizations (PGO) RISCA provides support directly to non-profit organizations that run programs that make the arts an integral part of life in Rhode Island. (Organizations without 501c3 non-profit status may be able to apply through a non-profit fiscal sponsor.) Please review PGO guidelines here.

Elizabeth Keithline, Grants to Organizations Program Director, will hold two information sessions:
Tuesday, September 7th starting at 5pm at the Portsmouth Arts Guild
Monday, September 13th starting at 5pm at the Cross Mills Public Library in Charlestown
Please click on the workshop that you would like to attend in order to reserve a seat and please email Liz if you cannot attend a workshop, but have questions about applying for a PGO grant.
Project Grants for Education
Project Grants for Education are available to schools and to non-profit organizations (PGE) and teaching artists (PGA) who are interested in partnering with schools and educational institutions. Learning in and through the arts plays a critical role in the growth and development of our youngest citizens. PGE and PGA grants provide funding for programs that: increase access to high quality curriculum-based arts learning; foster the professional development of artists and educators; engage the participation of families and other community members in arts learning for children and youth; help to ensure that RI youth are able to demonstrate proficiency in one or more art forms at or before graduation from high school. Please review PGE and PGA guidelines here.

Dan Kahn, Education Grants Coordinator, will hold an information session on PGE and PGA Grants on Tuesday, September 7th beginning at 4pm at the International Charter School in Pawtucket.

To reserve a seat at Dan's grants workshop, please click on the link above. If you are an artist, school or non-profit organization interested in applying for education grants, please contact Dan.

Grants to Individual Artists

RISCA Grants to individual artists are available to those who are: Rhode Island residents; over 18 years old; and not currently enrolled in an arts degree program. These grants do not require a non-profit (501c3) umbrella.

Photo by Scott Lapham

Project Grants to Individuals (PGI) support highly creative and talented artists who seek to produce, perform, teach or share their work with the Rhode Island public. Project grants to individuals might include the coordination of community arts events, public performances, arts-based workshops, creative collaborations, exhibitions or installations with a strong public component. Please review PGI guidelines here.

Fellowships encourage the creative development of artists by enabling them to set aside time to pursue their work and achieve specific creative and career goals. Fellowships are highly competitive awards. Artists are encouraged to apply when they have created a substantial body of work that they are prepared to present in a professional manner. Fellowship categories for the October 1 deadline are Choreography, Drawing & Printmaking, Music Composition, New Genres and Painting. Please review the Fellowship Guidelines here.

The Design Innovation Grant (DIG) is a competitive annual award of $6000 for design ideas that are highly creative and show potential for innovation and/or implementation. Grant proposals should address one of the following goals:
Innovation of a specific kind of design, process or application
Creation of a product or service that has a potential public benefit
Awards are based upon samples of past work and proposals for future work. Grant recipients are not required to pursue implementation of winning design proposals or completion of design projects. However, award recipients will be asked to pursue the next phase of their project such as meeting with potential partners, creating more detailed schematics, creating a project development plan, etc. Please review DIG guidelines here.

Cristina DiChiera, Director of Artist Programs, will hold two information sessions on RISCA Funding for Individual Artists:
Friday, September 10 starting at 5 PM at Shady Lea Mill in North Kingstown

To reserve a seat at one of Cristina's grant workshops, please click on the appropriate link above. If you cannot attend a workshop, but are interested in applying for a Fellowship or grant, please contact Cristina.

Photo by Bob Votava

Folk Arts Apprenticeships
Through practice, apprenticeship, and revitalization of traditional arts, folk and traditional artists ensure the longevity of their cultural expressions. Passed on from one generation to the next, these art forms survive not as the result of instruction within formalized institutions, but through the course of daily life: techniques passed on from generation to generation through familial, tribal, and community instruction. The Folk Arts Apprenticeship Program provides opportunities to apprentices to acquire traditional skills from a traditional master artist from the same cultural community. The Program expects the apprentice to work towards perfecting the skills s/he has acquired through the Apprenticeship Program and to pass those skills on to others in their community.

Elena Calderon Patino, Community Arts Program Director, will hold a workshop on the Folk Arts Apprenticeship program and the application process for the October 1 deadline. She will also talk about RISCA's new Sustainable Community Connections Program and other opportunities for Rhode Island's diverse community of artists.

Thursday, September 9th from 5pm to 6:30pm at the Providence Community Library, 441 Prairie Avenue, Providence.

To reserve a seat at Elena's grants workshop, please click on the link above. If you are not able to attend the workshop, but are interested in the Apprenticeship Program, please contact Elena.

Quick Links...
RISCA Website
RISCA Weblog
Film and TV Office
The Arts Calendar
RI Arts Learning Network

Wednesday, September 1, 2010



由黑石谷旅遊協會(Blackstone Valley Tourism Council)與駐波士頓台北經濟文化辦事處合辦的這羅德島州「台灣日龍舟賽」,每年都在普塔基(Pawtucket)市的黑石河畔舉行。龍舟賽、民俗藝術表演、文化展示攤位,吸引來的川流不息人潮,今年也毫不遜色。

比較特別的是,在羅州副州長羅柏姿(Elizabeth Roberts)、普塔基市市長杜爾(James Doyle)之外,今年來到會場的候選人特別多,不但在開幕式中有競選國會眾議員的比爾林奇(Bill Lynch)、競選州長的羅州現任州務卿A. Ralph Mollis競選羅州總檢察官的羅州眾議院多數黨黨鞭Peter Kolmartin競選普塔基市市長的Henry S. Kinch, Jr.等人出席,另一名競選羅州州長的候選人,也是羅州現任財務長Frank Caprio,也在活動將結束時到場拜票,並應邀為龍舟賽的優勝隊伍頒獎。

比爾林奇(Bill Lynch)在葉超的出謀獻策下,在會場入口處派人分發藍色的提物袋,袋外印著「比爾林奇競選國會眾議員」字樣,幾乎使得每名出席者都變成了他的臨時助選員。

據悉,另一名競選羅州總檢察官的候選人,也來到會場向民眾拜票。由於也正競選羅州總檢察官的Peter Kolmartin不但和「台灣日龍舟節」有長年友誼,還是當天「吃餃子比賽」的主持人,這名候選人只能私下向民眾介紹自己。

麻州總檢察官派區克林奇(Patrick Lynch)這天也攜同一子一女到場,和熟悉的人打招呼。

羅德島州「台灣日龍舟賽」主持人,也是黑石谷旅遊協會會長的畢靈頓(Bob Billington)在開幕式中強調,這一豐富普市人民生活的大活動,既靠各方匡助,也全賴葉超、吳子平這兩位大功臣,在幕後打點一應雜務。


當天的表演節目由馬曾夏慧主持,由中華民俗藝術工作坊演出民俗舞、扯鈴、台灣戰鼓,麻州伯克萊學院(Berklee College)的台灣學生組成樂隊,奏唱現代樂等等。馬曾夏慧以流利英語主持節目時特別指出,該團舞蹈的服裝,還全都是由團長夫人黃美晴設計的,搏得會場一陣熱烈掌聲。

根據主辦單位的資料,廿八日這天,共有十六隊參賽。其中有一隊(Rhode Island Hash House Harriers),男女隊員都穿著蘇格蘭短群,打扮成海盜裝束,最為搶眼。該隊Jacob Velz表示,該隊已連續八年參加這台灣日龍舟賽,每年都挑一個主題,做特殊打扮,以自娛娛人。



今年的龍舟賽共有來自新英格蘭地區及紐約州18支隊伍參賽,並依程度分為龍、獅、虎三組,依序由活根龍船隊(Living Root Dragon Boat)、龍煙隊(Dragon Smoke)及胡斯基龍船隊(Huskies Dragon Boat)獲得各組冠軍,時間分別為一分三十八秒,一分四十五秒,一分五十一秒。







香港來的譚錦雄(左起)、中國來的王曉元、香港來的梁健操、菲律賓來的洪世傑,以及羅德島的John Elliott,現在都是羅州居民,也都是羅德島華人基督教會的會眾,這天在會場協助擺攤,展示該會資料。(菊子攝)


吳子平(左起)Peter Kolmartin、葉超(右一)一起頒獎給吃餃子比賽的得獎人連縱橫(右三)等人。