Newly Appointed Chair of the NEA Visits Rhode Island
RISCA Executive Director Randall Rosenbaum, NEA Chairman Jane Chu, Congressman David Cicilline |
RISCA was proud to welcome newly appointed Chairman of the National Endowment for the Arts (NEA),Jane Chu, to Rhode Island on Monday August 18th. We are honored that Rhode Island is the first state Ms. Chu has visited in her new capacity as Chairman of the National Endowment! Her day began with a press conference in Pawtucket to celebrate the $75,000 "Our Town" grant to that community, followed by visits to three design firms in the design office complex of Morris Nathanson. She joined RISD faculty and staff for a discussion about STEM to STEAM and then travelled to East Providence for a tour of the Rhode Island Philharmonic Music School's Carter Center for Music Education. Chairman Chu, Senator Jack Reed and Representative David Cicilline were greeted at the Carter Center with a Chinese Lion Dance performance, courtesy of RISCA Folk Arts Master Luyi Shao and his team from the Rhode Island Kung Fu Club. RISCA concluded the visit with a reception with over 150 members of Rhode Island's creative community. We look forward to working Chairman Chu as she guides the future of the NEA! |
October 1 RISCA Grant and Fellowship Deadline
for Individual Artists and Organizations
RISCA Project Grant recipients The Extraordinary Rendition Band (ERB)
"Our main strength lies in the enthusiasm and expertise of the ERB members who are teaching our classes. Our teachers are passionate, hard working and devoted to positively impacting youth and community in Providence." - Avi David
October 1 is the next deadline for Project Grants for Education, Project Grants to Individuals (PGI), as well as Fellowships in Choreography, Drawing & Printmaking, Music Composition, New Genres, and Painting and the Design Innovation Grant (DIG). October 1 is also the next deadline for RISCA's Arts Access (AAG) Grants. July 31 was the deadline for final reports from all organizations and individuals who received grants from RISCA during the previous year (note: links take you to the online application form for previous year applicants, where you enter your report information). If you haven't yet submitted your report, now's the time!
For further information on these programs contact RISCA staff.
Registration Open for NALAC Regional Arts Training Workshop
October 10-11 in Providence - Register Today!
Convened throughout the nation to assist in strengthening local networks of Latino artists and Latino arts and cultural organizations, while fostering active engagement between NALAC and its constituents, this seminar brings together national arts experts and local arts professionals. Join us for two days of panel discussions, workshops, networking, community dialogue, art exhibits, an evening reception at Fete, a Saturday evening WaterFire and more. To register for the NALAC regional arts training workshop directly, click here. For more details on the NALAC regional, please contact Amy Jean Romero, NALAC Regional Coordinator at 401-222-1794 or
Scholarships will be available for the two day event, but are limited. To apply, submit a current resume and a brief statement describing your background and professional interest in attending the conference, including the impact you hope it will have on your career in the arts. Letters are due August 29, 2014 and should be sent to (subject line: NALAC Scholarship). For more information on Scholarships for the NALAC regional please contact Elena Calderon-Patino, Director of the Community Arts Program at 401-222-6996 or
Create Your CreativeGround Profile!
CreativeGround is a free online directory of creative people and places in the six New England states. Sponsored by the New England Foundation for the Arts, it includes profiles of cultural nonprofits like libraries and theaters, creative businesses like recording studios and design agencies, and artists of all disciplines such as performing arts, visual arts, and crafts. How can making a profile in this free, easy-to-navigate directory boost your art-making?
- Create an online space to describe your work
- Connect with artists you've worked with in the past
- Search and Explore New England's creative enterprises
- Get noticed by fellow artists and potential clients, and get featured on the CreativeGround homepage!
Call for Artists to Exhibit at the RI Airport Art Galleries
Deadline is October 1, 2014
The Block Island Airport Gallery and GREEN SPACE at T.F.Green Airport are accepting submissions of artwork for 2015 exhibitions. The gallery program is a partnership between the Rhode Island State Council on the Arts (RISCA) and the Rhode Island Airport Corporation to promote outstanding work by artists living and working in Rhode Island. Airport gallery exhibits are seen by an ever-changing audience of local, national and international travelers. Works in all media will be considered. Note that the Block Island Airport Gallery is best suited to moderately sized works, while GREEN SPACE includes several large walls and open spaces that are particularly suitable for large scale works. All participating artists must be RI residents. No students please.
- A link to your current web site that includes images with captions (title, year, media, size), a current bio and artist's statement;
- A link to a Flickr page showing images of one's artwork with captions (title, year, media, size) and attach to the email a current bio and artist's statement.
To learn more about this opportunity and view photos of the exhibition space, click here.
Join RISCA at Design Week RI
Save the Date - Thursday September 17-27
 RISCA is proud to sponsor Design Week RI - a celebration of design and the Rhode Island design community, featuring nationally recognized speakers, local design superstars, a design treasure hunt, cocktail receptions, and a design hall of fame. Follow DesignWeekRI on Twitter here for the latest updates on news and events
Join us on Thursday, September 25th from noon-2PM to celebrate the accomplishments of RISCA's Design Innovation Grant (DIG) Fellows as part of Design Week RI. RISCA invites you to attend a brown bag lunch presentation at Digital City, 131 Washington St, Providence to learn how RISCA's DIG Program has helped to launch innovative products, develop new technologies and grow local businesses. Bring your lunch and enjoy complimentary snacks while listening to presentations by past DIG granteesSarah Rainwater, Shawn Wallace, and Will Wells. Attendees will receive a special take-away surprise!
RISCA's Design Innovation Grant program seeks to encourage RI designers who demonstrate excellence and innovation in their field to pursue creative design ideas with an annual cash award of $6,000. Theapplication is open for RISCA's 2015 Design Innovation Grant - the deadline is October 1 2014.
Rhode Island Teaching Artist Center
News, Updates and a New Website!
The Rhode Island Teaching Artist Center (RITAC) has launched their new website. RITAC is a physical and virtual place for Rhode Island-based teaching artists; serves as a bridge between teaching artists and those in need of teaching artists; and builds the field of the teaching artist profession. During its pilot year, RITAC has surveyed the RI arts education community, formed a steering committee of arts education leaders, run six events ranging from professional development workshops to a conference, piloted a membership program, and interviewed several teaching artist support groups across the country. To stay up-to-date with RITAC, click here.
Own Your Teacher Evaluation: A day for arts educators
Teaching artists be sure to register for this September 13 event!
The Rhode Island Arts Learning Network, in cooperation with RI arts educators associations, invites you to attend a day for arts educators to share and prepare for the 2014-2015 school year, including work sessions on SLOs for the coming year. The workshop will be held on September 13 at North Kingstown High School from 9am-3pm. Click here for the registration form. For questions please contact Martha Lenihan Lavieri at 401-282-0304 or at This event is free with lunch provided.
Creative Youth Now Showing at the Atrium Gallery
Opening Reception Friday, August 22
Creative Youth, an Atrium Gallery exhibit curated by Rhode Island College undergraduate Kyla Laughlin, is on view now September 5th at One Capitol Hill. The exhibit features the diverse talents of passionate student artists who work in a variety of media and is part of RISCA's New Visions/New Curators Series. The Series encourages the development of rising curators and gallery directors by providing mentorship and opportunities to curate an exhibit at the Atrium Gallery.
Join us on Friday August 22nd from 6-8:00 PM for the opening reception, which will feature music and spoken word performances. Refreshments will be served.
Call for Artwork by Latin American Visual Artists
Applications Due August 29
RISCA is seeking artwork for the 13th Annual State Latin American Art Exhibit. Co-Curated by Amy Jean Romero & Elena Calderón-Patiño, the exhibit will be on view at the Atrium Gallery September 8 - October 17. To have your work considered for inclusion in this exhibit, e-mail: 3-5 jpeg images of work to be considered; title, dimensions, medium and year for each piece; and a short description of the artwork |
News and Events from RISCA Fellows and Grantees
L: Australia's Strange Fruit for FirstWorks Urban Carnevale; C:The Hummingbird Palace; R: FirstWorks Festival On the Plaza |
FirstWorks is kicking off its 2014-2015 season with a weekend-long Decade Bash from September 18th -20th, 2014. The celebration will include the FirstWorks 10th Anniversary Gala and a free Urban Carnevale co-presented with the City of Providence.
The Hummingbird Palace is Esther Solondz's newly-installed environmental sculpture in Lippitt Park on Hope Street in Providence. Flowering vines grow up and through it and attract hummingbirds. |
Photographer Viera Levitt's work on Brutalist archeticture has been featured on London-based arts, culture, and travel global website The Culture Trip.
Join Riverzedge Arts for a night of revelry and celebration! Riverfest by Night i s Friday, September 12th from 7-10 PM at Ciro's Tavern in Woonsocket. Their second annual festival on the Blackstone River will feature a silent auction with items from local artists and businesses, craft beer from local breweries, DIY screenprinting, a photo booth, music, dancing, games, and more! Buy your ticket here for $25 to support Riverzedge. Bring the kids on Saturday, September 13th from 12-4 PM for the family-friendly counterpart, Riverfest by Day.
Exciting upcoming events at Slater Mill! Saturday and Sunday September 6th & 7th is Slater's Architecture and Manufacture (S.A.M.) Festival. Sunday September 28th is the opening celebration of the launching of Slater's new Trad Arts Studio. Check out their full event listing here.
Richard Whitten has a gallery opening at Dedee Shattuck Gallery in Westport, MA from August 27-September 28. Reception is Saturday, September 6th, 5-7 PM.
Part 3 of the Integrated Exhibition Series, Convergence, is now showing at the Artists Exchange Gallery inCranston through September 13th. The opening reception is Thursday, August 28th, 5-8PM. The Integrated Exhibition series is a forum for emerging artists with disabilities to show their work alongside visiting artists in an established gallery.
Join RISCA's Facebook Page
Log on to your Facebook account and search for RISCA. Our page feeds opportunities from ourblog so it's a good way to find out about calls for entry or jobs in the arts.
Find out about upcoming arts events throughout the state on the RI Arts Calendar. To post your own arts event to the Arts Calendar, click here. |