Tuesday, September 30, 2014

羅德島華人造勢 助馮偉杰競選州長

熟悉羅州選情的人透露,初選過後,羅州州長誰屬,就看代表共和黨的馮偉杰和代表民主黨的雷萌朵(Gino Raimondo)誰更討選民歡心。由於雷萌朵擔任羅州財長期間,在退休金方面惹惱了很多工會分子,而馮偉杰在三任克蘭斯頓市(Cranston)市長任內,卻能不但沒加稅,還能創造一千多個工作機會,把克市政府預算扭虧為盈,讓許多面對經濟不景,有改善生活壓力的羅州居民把希望寄託在他身上。
馮偉杰這天為感謝支持他的華人群眾,以廣東話為致詞開頭,實在說不完整時,才改回英文。他表示,參選州長是因為他在擔任克市市長期間,看到羅德島州政府有許多措施不妥當,讓他希望把自己在克市做出來的施政成績,包括把市府的意外儲備金(rainy day fund),從零存到二千二百萬元左右,擴大到全州去,讓更多人獲益。
羅州英文報章指出,如果雷萌朵當選羅州州長,她將是羅德島州從1992年以來的第一個民主黨籍州長。羅德島州的現任州長查菲(Lincoln Chafee2010年當選時無黨籍,去年轉為民主黨籍。如果馮偉杰當選,他將是羅德島州從1984年以來的第八任共和黨籍州長。羅州前一位共和黨籍州長卡瑞希(Don Carcieri)在2002年時以54%的得票率當選,2006年時,再以51%的得票率當選。

Grants Available for Commercial Renewable Energy Projects!

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Moving Rhode Island Forward 
Grants Available for Commercial
Renewable Energy Projects!
Commerce RI can get you started on the path to of renewable energy for your business. Commerce RI's Renewable Energy Fund Program Manager Hannah Morini can discuss the state incentives and assistance available to help you maximize your renewable energy return on investment.

The third round of grants is available now to Rhode Island businesses for the installation of commercial-scale renewable energy projects. Lower operating costs and increase your bottom line by generating electricity onsite. Learn more by contacting the REF team or by visiting the REF website.
Need Grants for Your Marine
Climate Change Research?
STAC logoWill your research answer the question: "What are the impacts of climate change on marine life?"

If so, approximately $800,000 in competitive funding is offered to support proposals that address any of the three National Science Foundation's (NSF) Experimental Program to Stimulate Competitive Research (EPSCoR) research questions related to this overarching question.

Through the annual Rhode Island Collaborative Research Grant program, funding is available to support multi-institutional, multi-disciplinary projects that focus on building research capacity and infrastructure across institutions to advance the competitiveness of RI researchers. Application guidelines for the 2014 program are now available.

This call for proposals is in support of the Rhode Island Science and Technology Advisory Council's (STAC) - a program implemented within Commerce RI - partnerships with the EPSCoR and seeks projects that align with the RI NSF EPSCoR's thematic research areas of marine life response and adaptation to climate change.

Pre-proposals are due September 27, 2014, with invited full proposals dueOctober 30, 2014Download the application.
Rhode Island's Bioscience and 
Technology Industries Shine
(L-R) Tech Collective Executive Director Kathie Shields, Dr. John Jarrell, Rep. Lisa Tomasso, Dr. Megan Ranney, Dr. Greg Paquette and David Vito

Four Rhode Island bioscience professionals were awarded 2014 Rhode Island Bioscience Awards from Tech Collective, Rhode Island's bioscience and IT industry association, late last month.

The Bioscience Awards are designed exclusively to honor accomplishments, innovations and leadership within the state's medical device, research and development, pharmaceuticals, laboratories, production, design, and related bioscience sectors.

This year's winners are:
  • Dr. John D. Jarrell, PhD, PE - president, Materials Science Associates and founder, BioIntraface, Inc.
  • Dr. Greg Paquette - professor and director of biotechnology programs, University of Rhode Island
  • Megan L. Ranney, MD MPH - director, Emergency Digital Health Innovation program and assistant professor, Department of Emergency Medicine, Rhode Island Hospital/Alpert Medical School, Brown University
  • David R. Vito - assistant professor of biology, Community College of Rhode Island and coordinator and Co-PI, Amgen Biotech Experience Program, University of Rhode Island
One of the state's highest growth potential industries, Rhode Island employs 4,602 bioscience professionals according to Tech Collective's Rhode Island Bioscience Skills Gap Study.

The collective also is accepting nominations and applications for its 2014 Tech10 Awards program. Established in 2010, the Tech10 Awards recognize the 10 most accomplished professionals in the state's IT, digital media and entrepreneurial arenas.  Apply or submit nominations for the awards before the deadline onMonday, October 6, 2014. Honorees will be announced in mid-October and showcased at an awards celebration on November 20, 2014.
Great News for Rhode Island