Saturday, December 30, 2017

Governor Raimondo Deserves No Credit for Lower Utility Rates

Governor Raimondo Deserves No Credit for Lower Utility Rates

(Cranston) - The Governor’s partisan and cynical approach to her job knows no bounds. Less than a month from saying that she couldn’t think of a single thing she supported in the tax reform bill, she is trying to take credit for its positive impact on Rhode Island families.

She must be realizing that the tax plan is having a significant positive impact to the lives of lower and middle class Rhode Islanders, despite her assurances to us all that it wouldn't.  From companies raising their minimum wages, to widespread employee bonuses, and significant job creation, the idea of fundamentally lowering the cost of business is working across the country. 

These results only shine a brighter light on the fact that her strategy of corporate welfare rather than tax relief doesn't work.  Under my administration, we'll expand upon common sense strategies of removing regulations and lowering the cost of business to improve Rhode Island's stagnant economy.