Monday, May 18, 2015


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Launching STEAM ENGINE USA in Rhode Island
Commerce RI is driving an emerging Rhode Island resource - STEAM ENGINE USA - and we invite you to learn more about it today.

Established by Commerce RI and working to power the next generation of design, product development and manufacturing, STEAM ENGINE USA is an all-inclusive, asset-based project bridging the gap between manufacturers and designers. Visit the newly launched website and find out how the project is utilizing Rhode Island's strengths and creating a powerful, integrated system for business growth.

The Pilot | Defense 
STEAM ENGINE USA is currently being piloted in one of Rhode Island's strongest sectors: the defense industry. It is engaged in a number of activities focused on stimulating innovation, new product and market development, business diversification, and skills training for defense-related manufacturers.Find out more here.

Get Involved
The success of STEAM ENGINE USA is based on leveraging the many assets based right here in Rhode Island. With our partnership, it is currently creating a network of these assets to help us reach a new level of manufacturing excellence. And - we want to hear from youVisit the site to create a profile, list equipment that can be shared with manufacturers, and give your feedback on how the project can help your company.

Learn more and get involved at!

We also want to let you know that, on Tuesday, May 19, 2015, the John H. Chafee Center for International Business at Bryant University will host a business development session for defense industry manufacturers that will show participants how they can benefit from the STEAM ENGINE USA Defense Industry Economic Diversification Initiative.

Speakers include John Riendeau,Commerce RI; Chris Haran, Fourth Economy Consulting; Paul Grossman, manager, Virginia Economic Development Partnership; Kathy Therieau, director, RI International Trade Programs; and Robert Leaver, RI Manufacturing Collaborative.

Registration for this free event begins at 2:30 p.m., with the program running from 3:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m. at the Bello Center Library at Bryant University, 1150 Douglas Pike, Smithfield, RI.

Following the program, attendees are cordially invited to the V.I.P. reception for World Trade Day from 5:00 p.m. to 7:30 p.m.
Great News for Rhode Island

To learn more about Commerce RI's programs and services or to request a visit from a team member, please call (401) 278-9100.