Thursday, January 17, 2013

克蘭斯頓市徵聘警察 2/22截止報名

羅德島州克蘭斯頓市(Cranston)市長馮偉杰及警察局長Colonel Marco Palombo日前宣佈,即日起至二月廿二日,徵警察。
            查詢詳情,可洽克蘭斯頓市警察局訓練部隊長(Lt.)Mark Freeborn (401) 477-5073,或上網


CRANSTON - Chief of Police Colonel Marco Palombo and Mayor Allan Fung announced today that the Police Department recruitment drive will be held from January 15, thru –February 22, 2013.

The Cranston Police Department is seeking qualified applicants for the position of Police Officer who demonstrate good judgment, an even temperament, respect and appreciate diversity, show creativity and problem solving skills, the ability to think on their feet, handle pressure, and show leadership skills.

Recruitment efforts will include advertisements in local and regional web-based and print media outlets, to include multicultural publications. Additionally, outreach efforts intended to attract a wider applicant pool will embrace the use of public/ private internet job boards, social networks, and select radio/ television announcements and appearances.

Qualified applicants must be between 20 years old and a United States citizen with a minimum of 30 college credits from an accredited college or university, or proof of five (5) years of continuous military reserve service, or three years (2) of active duty.  Those with two years (2) prior law enforcement or corrections experience, who do not have the requisite college credits, will also receive consideration and are encouraged to apply.

Applicants must also hold a valid drivers license, be of good moral character and successfully complete a selection process, which includes a physical agility test, a written exam, oral interviews, and a thorough background investigation.

For more information regarding the recruitment and selection process, call Lt. Mark Freeborn of the Cranston Police Department Training Division at (401) 477-5073 or visit us on the web at .