Sunday, October 28, 2012


From the Desk of Mayor Allan Fung

October 27, 2012

Press Contact:  Carlos E. Lopez       Work   (401) 780-3115           Cell     (401) 527-3315

Press Release

Important information regarding Cranston ’s
Preparations for Hurricane “SANDY”

Cranston, R.I- Mayor Allan Fung is releasing important information for all Cranston residents in preparation of Hurricane “ SANDY ”.

“I want to assure all Cranston residents that the city is ready to meet any
challenges posed by Hurricane ‘ Sandy ’.  I encourage all residents to remain
vigilant and to properly prepare themselves well ahead of time.” Said Mayor Fung

The City of Cranston will have sandbags available to residents at the Department of Public Works Highway Department building on  935 Phenix Avenue Cranston at the following times:
·                    Sunday   7:00AM-3:00PM
·                    Monday 7:00AM-3:00PM
The City will supply 10 sandbags per Cranston resident. (MUST SHOW PROOF OF RESIDENCY)
In addition, the City of Cranston will operate their Emergency Operations Center beginning Sunday at 7:00 am.  Residents who are experiencing difficulties or have questions regarding the upcoming storm can call the hotline for information.  The hotline will remain operational around the clock until the crisis is over.
Cranston Emergency Operations Center Hotline 401-780-3243

Please visit our website for a “first 72 Hour” checklist which has helpful information on stocking up for this and other future storms:
Residents who experience a POWER OUTAGE should contact National Grid at 1-800-322-3223
or use their automated system at 1-800-465-1212

Residents who experience a GAS LEAK should contact National Grid at 1-800-640-1595

Friday, October 26, 2012

布朗CSSA 10/27晚放映李安「色戒」





布朗大学CSSA向您呈现:“幕光|镜语” 中国电影之夜,恭迎电影爱好者的光临。
首次活动时间:7:00 pm, Saturday, October 27th, 2012. 
地点:Faunce House, Robert Center 201, Petteruti Lounge, 75 Waterman St.


Evolution and Exploration of Chinese Management Style.

         时间: 1029日 下午300 - 430
         地点: Faunce House Rm 201,  Petteruti Lounge
         演讲者: YANG Zhong; 南京大学副校长、南京大学商学院教授

布朗大學CSSA 10/28 放映 牛皮 和牛皮2

    你喜欢吹牛皮吗?下周一将放映中国导演刘伽茵拍摄的独立影片 牛皮 和牛皮(豆瓣欢迎大家来观看!

电影放映:              Smith-Buonanno, Room 201     5pm -8pm Oct 28th  
                                           Light refreshment provided
王伽茵导演座谈:       Joukowsky Forum, Watson Institute   4 :30pm - 6pm Oct 29th

Daily life in an impossibly cramped Beijing apartment takes on epic proportions in this, intimate portrait, with unprecedented access, of a working-class Chinese family. Boldly transforming documentary into fiction, Liu Jiayin cast her parents and herself as fictionalized versions of themselves. Her father, Liu Zaiping, sells leather bags but is slowly going bankrupt. He argues with his wife, Jia Huifen, and his daughter over methods to boost business in the shop. A cloud of anxiety follows them into sleepless nights shared in the same bed. But through the thousand daily travails of city life, a genuine and deeply moving picture of Chinese familial solidarity emerges from the screen. With virtually no budget and boundless ingenuity, Liu Jiayin's eye-opening debut, shot when she was 23 years old, consists of twenty-three static, one-scene shots within her family's fifty square meter home. Liu keeps her small DV camera in claustrophobic closeness to her subjects, often showing only parts of their bodies as their voices dominate the soundtrack. OXHIDE takes the microscopic physical and emotional details of a family and magnifies them on a widescreen canvas. Breaking new ground in cinematic art, Liu Jiayin's follow-up to her masterful debut OXHIDE turns a simple dinner into a profoundly intimate study of family relationships. Building on the stunning vision of OXHIDE (voted one of the best Chinese films of the 2000s), writer-director Liu Jiayin once again casts herself and her parents in scripted versions of their life in a tiny Beijing apartment. Liu takes her uncompromising artistry to the extreme, setting all of the action around the family dinner table, which doubles as her father's leather-making station. As the workbench is cleared for the family to make a dinner of dumplings, the camera catches every meticulous detail of the action in real time. Small moments between family members reveal deep insights into the mysteries of family relations and the art of everyday living.Smith-Buonanno, Room 2015pm -8pm Oct 28th

Chinese woman documentarian Liu Jiayin to speak on her films OXHIDE, shot when she was 23 years old, consisting of twenty-three static, one-scene shots within her family's fifty square meter home, and OXHIDE II, where writer-director Liu Jiayin once again casts herself and her parents in scripted versions of their life in a tiny Beijing apartment. Double-feature screening of OXHIDE and OXHIDE II on Sunday, 10/28 in Smith-Buonanno 201, 5pm.Joukowsky Forum, Watson Institute4:30pm - 6pm Oct 29th

 Best regards,
CSSA 对外交流部
Rui Pei
Brown University
69 Brown Street, Box 6634
Providence, Rhode Island 02912

Tuesday, October 9, 2012

迦樂團契 10/8 遊波城

羅德島華人基督教會迦樂團契昨()日遊波士頓。六十多名耆英在團契領隊吳子平、葉超、胡少娟、葉桂珍、林瑜等人帶隊招呼下,搭乘羅德島普塔基市學校巴士和一輛廂型車,浩浩蕩蕩的開到波士頓,先到喜臨門大酒樓享用廣式點心午餐,轉往中國超市購物,到華埠天下為公牌樓前集合,拍張團體照,再到普天壽大廈那兒,搭水陸兩棲車船的鴨遊(Duck Tour)



羅德島大學孔子學院將於十月十二日(週五)晚六點十五分到八點四十五分,假該校京士頓(Kingston)校區的愛德華廳禮堂(Edward Hall Auditorium),舉辦中秋節慶祝會。活動將有京劇戲服展示,京戲比貶,傳統中樂演奏,抽獎等。入場免費,現場備有月餅。建議捐款五元。

Friday, October 5, 2012


由文化部指導贊助,FirstWorks主辦,駐紐約臺北經文處臺北文化中心協辦,臺灣藝術家王仲堃裝置作品《空.器》、莊杰霖與魏子菁共同創作的裝置作品《原型》將在美國羅德島數位藝術節Pixilerations v.9展出,歡迎對多媒體藝術創作有興趣之觀眾,前往觀賞,地點在羅德島布朗大學(Brown University)格諾夫大樓(The Perry and Marty Granoff Center for the Creative Arts) Cohen 藝廊,展期20121011日起至1021日止。
莊杰霖2010年畢業於國立臺北藝術大學科技藝術研究所,主修數位藝術,擅長結合網路與新媒體裝置,曾獲K.T.科技與人文藝術創意競賽,其網路藝術作品《Net recall》、《原型》分別參與了20082009年的臺北數位藝術節。《原型》為臺灣第一個運用社群網路資訊實體化的作品。

魏子菁2010年畢業於臺北藝術大學新媒體藝術學系碩士班,主修數位藝術,曾獲K.T.科技與人文藝術創意競賽,互動科技藝術組亞洲數位藝術大賽 ASIA DIGITAL ART AWARD日本國際設計競賽NAGOYA DESIGN DO!Output 07 德國國際平面設計競賽,目前從事互動裝置設計與創作。


羅德島數位藝術節的展覽將在羅德島設計學院(Rhode Island School of DesignSol Koffler藝廊與羅德島布朗大學(Brown University)格諾夫大樓(The Perry and Marty Granoff Center for the Creative Arts) Cohen 藝廊展出。藝術家王仲堃、莊杰霖與魏子菁之作品在Cohen 藝廊展出。展覽開幕活動訂於1011日下午6時至8時在Sol Koffler藝廊與Cohen 藝廊舉行三位藝術家均將出席開幕活動,更多展覽與活動訊息請見網址

Wednesday, October 3, 2012



廿九日的中秋節慶祝會,由皮膚科醫師周華統籌表演節目,才旭、章賢信、黃樺、葉超等一眾理事,在停車場路邊迎迓到會僑胞,徐海英、嚴英在接待桌前為出席者辦理登記,王曉元、張華、羅春松、楊慶等人在會場內當起掌杓服務生。入場僑胞們也熱心響應「鍋樂(pot luck)」做法,各自帶菜,使得一整條長桌上,涼麵、炒米粉、滷肉、麻婆豆腐、煎餃、炸雞、批薩,還有紅豆湯、鳳梨片、蛋糕等各色甜點,擺得琳瑯滿目,誘人十分。
表演節目由小朋友表演新疆舞,拉開序幕。Cang Yusong詩朗誦,張馨梅和Jan Ondrias做職業水準的國標舞表演,讓出席眾人欣賞到不同種類的表演。
在羅島華協的刻意安排下,這場中秋晚會講究同樂感,表演後,請出席眾人自己下場跳排舞、交際舞,再玩猜燈謎遊戲,吃月餅。接著來一場跳舞比賽,增加趣味。黃樺、王曉元、嚴英、章賢信、Wu Liping等人當評判,幾個回合下來,評出馬琳、鍾彬夫婦得第一名,楊慶、楊麗萍夫婦得第二名,由羅德島華人協會會長葉超頒發獎品。

           羅德島華人協會理事們在會中祝賀羅州華人中秋快樂。左起,楊慶、吳子平、羅春松、Nancy Yang、葉超、周華、嚴英、才旭、黃樺、王曉元、徐海英、章賢信。(菊子攝)


            張馨梅和Jan Ondrias表演國標舞。(菊子攝)