Thursday, November 17, 2016


羅德島州州務卿Nellie M. Gorbea1116日下午,在州政府大樓表揚獲得2016全美州務卿協會獎章獎的2名個人,3個機構。
獲獎者包括代表普域敦斯市的羅州參議員Harold M. Metts Ani Haroian,以及美國多明尼加人(DominicanosUSA),世代公民(Generation Citizen),羅德島華人協會(Rhode Island Association of Chinese Americans)3個組織。
羅德島州務卿Nellie M. Gorbea表示,羅德島很幸運,有這麼一群多元的社區領袖,在各行各業中啟發民眾更積極的參與他們所生活的社區。
羅德島州參議會議長M. Teresa Paiva-Weed,眾議會議長Nicholas Mattiello也特地出席致詞,讚揚獲獎者。
M. Teresa Paiva Weed在致詞時,陳述了各人級機構的獲獎理由。 參議員Metts 是因為他在民權及公民教育上展現的領導力; Ani Haroian在整個羅德島州致力推廣公民參與30餘年,已成為亞美尼亞美人議題的全國領袖; 美國多明尼加人促使數以千計的拉丁裔人登記成為選民,協助推動在羅德島州通過網上選民登記法; 世代公民致力確保所有學生獲得有效行動的公民教育; 羅德島華人協會增加了整個羅德島州華裔美人及其他亞裔公民參與。

Five RI civic leaders receive the 2016 National Association of Secretaries of State (NASS) Medallion Award

PROVIDENCE, RI – Secretary of State Nellie M. Gorbea recognized two individuals and three institutions with the 2016 NASS Medallion Award at a ceremony held this afternoon at the State House.
State Senator Harold M. Metts of Providence; Ani Haroian of Providence; DominicanosUSA; Generation Citizen; and the Rhode Island Association of Chinese Americans all received the NASS Medallion Award from Secretary Gorbea.
"Rhode Island is fortunate to have such a diverse group of community leaders," Secretary Gorbea said. "Leaders who inspire Rhode Islanders from all walks of life into taking a more active role in their community."
President of the Senate M. Teresa Paiva-Weed and Speaker of the House Nicholas Mattiello also addressed the gathering and praised the honorees.
President of the Senate M. Teresa Paiva Weed said, "The Senate extends its sincere congratulations to all of today's NASS Medallion Award recipients. These organizations and individuals, including Senator Harold Metts, truly exemplify outstanding civic leadership, from the classroom to the community. We are grateful for their dedication and service."
Senator Metts was recognized for his leadership in civil rights and civic education; Ani Haroian was recognized for her efforts as a leading national advocate for Armenian American issues and for dedicating more than three decades of her life to promoting civic participation across Rhode Island; DominicanosUSA was recognized for its work to register thousands of Latinos and for their part in helping to push for legislation that made Online Voter Registration law in Rhode Island; Generation Citizen was recognized for their work to ensure that all students receive an effective action civics education; and the Rhode Island Association of Chinese Americans were recognized for their role in increasing civic participation among Chinese Americans and other Americans of Asian descent across the state of Rhode Island.
"Today's honorees remind us that civic participation is critical to our success as a state," Secretary Gorbea added. "As leaders we must create the opportunities for all Rhode Islanders to be a part of the conversations that affect them."
The NASS Medallion award was created by the National Association of Secretaries of State to recognize outstanding public service and civic engagement. Secretaries of State are given the opportunity to award up to five NASS Medallions each year to individuals and organizations who have demonstrated remarkable civic leadership in their state. Founded in 1904, the National Association of Secretaries of State (NASS) is the oldest nonpartisan, professional association of public officials in the United States.