Mayor Fung Recognizes Volunteers at the Cranston Senior Enrichment
Center for their Invaluable Contributions
Cranston, Rhode Island – Mayor Allan Fung will join Acting Senior Center Director David Quiroa in proclaiming Tuesday April 5th as Mayor’s Day of Recognition in the City of Cranston. The Mayor will host an event at the Cranston Senior Enrichment Center to recognize members of the senior community for their service at the center.
“The Retired Senior Volunteer Program (RSVP) is a vital part of our Senior Center operations. The value of their service allows us to provide programs and events that might not otherwise exist without their help. As Mayor, on behalf of the residents of Cranston, I am happy to recognize them on this special day.” said Mayor Fung
On April 5th Mayor Fung will be honoring RSVP volunteers that hold leadership positions on two advisory boards that provide valuable input and fundraising support to Senior Services in the City of Cranston. The Recognition Ceremony will take place at the Cranston Senior Enrichment Center, 1070 Cranston Street, Cranston, R.I.
The City of Cranston is the proud sponsor of the Cranston Retired & Senior Volunteer Program, which is 300 plus volunteers strong. Cranston RSVP volunteers serve at the Department of Cranston Senior Services, local elementary schools, hospitals, and even as first responders as part of the local Community Emergency Response Team (CERT).