Happy Chinese New Year!
春晚筹备组为预定了价值$3000的美味年夜饭,让大家在异国他乡也能大快朵颐,让胃口过节。春晚导演组为大家设计了丰富多彩的演出项目,涵盖歌曲演唱、古典舞、现代舞、乐器演奏、相声小品、武术表演等,还有wellesley, BU, JWU等兄弟姐妹校带来的精彩节目!
独在异乡为异客,远离家乡求学的我们不免在新春到来之时有浓浓的乡愁, 思念故里、怀念亲人。让我们吃上团年饭,一起欢歌笑语喜迎新春!
Hosted by the Brown Chinese Students and Scholars Associations, the annual Brown CSSA Spring Festival Gala has enjoyed tremendous successes and supports from members of the Brown University as well as the Chinese Community in Rhode Island. This year, we again present to you an authentic Chinese Spring Festival dinner and a great Spring Festival show.
Our program includes traditional and modern Chinese dances, solos and band performances, violin solo, saxophone solo, martial arts performance, and XiangSheng and XiaoPin (Chinese comedy crosstalk and skit) to give you a good laugh of the night.
This event is open to all. You are more than welcome to bring your friends and classmates to come and join us celebrating the Chiense New Year! |