Wednesday, February 18, 2015

羅德島華人協會 2/21 慶祝中國新年

布朗大學CSSA 2/21慶祝羊年新春

Brown CSSA
羊年春晚 & 年夜饭
>> 菜单发布 <<

Dinner @ 5:30PM
Gala @ 7:30PM 

Saturday, February 21

Dinner in Sayles Hall (Directions)
Gala in Salomon Deci Auditorium (Directions)
Happy Chinese New Year!


春晚筹备组为预定了价值$3000的美味年夜饭,让大家在异国他乡也能大快朵颐,让胃口过节。春晚导演组为大家设计了丰富多彩的演出项目,涵盖歌曲演唱、古典舞、现代舞、乐器演奏、相声小品、武术表演等,还有wellesley, BU, JWU等兄弟姐妹校带来的精彩节目!

独在异乡为异客,远离家乡求学的我们不免在新春到来之时有浓浓的乡愁, 思念故里、怀念亲人。让我们吃上团年饭,一起欢歌笑语喜迎新春!

Hosted by the Brown Chinese Students and Scholars Associations, the annual Brown CSSA Spring Festival Gala has enjoyed tremendous successes and supports from members of the Brown University as well as the Chinese Community in Rhode Island. This year, we again present to you an authentic Chinese Spring Festival dinner and a great Spring Festival show.

Our program includes traditional and modern Chinese dances, solos and band performances, violin solo, saxophone solo, martial arts performance, and XiangSheng and XiaoPin (Chinese comedy crosstalk and skit) to give you a good laugh of the night.
This event is open to all. You are more than welcome to bring your friends and classmates to come and join us celebrating the Chiense New Year!


Scan the QR code or click the link below to purchase tickets!

或点击此处购票 >>



Hope to see you all on Feb. 21st for the Year of Goat celebration!

Sunday, February 1, 2015

Sharon 華人 2/7 慶祝羊年新春


        夏倫(Sharon)華裔社區居民主辦的一年一度春節聯歡晚會將於2015年2月7晚6:30PM – 9:00PM在夏倫高中禮堂(181 Pond Street)舉行。晚會充滿各種精彩的文藝節目,夏倫及周邊市鎮社區的老少居民亦將奉獻多彩的歌舞喜迎春節,慶祝羊年的到來。籌委會屆時亦將向推廣多元文化有貢獻者頒發年度社區服務獎。歡迎各地老少居民前來參加免費的聯歡晚會。


       捐款請寄Sharon Public Schools / SCNY,75 Mountain St, Sharon, MA, 02067。捐助者請同時聯系籌委會(,以便將你的姓名或廣告登入晚會節目單。


Sharon Chinese New Year Celebration 2015
主持人 (Hostesses/Hosts): 杨珉(Min Yang), 刘政(Zheng Liu)
张江天(Jiangtian Zhang),窦安妮 (Anni Dou), 康紫曦 (Zimmy Kang), 宋成枚 (Elizabeth Song), 杨湛露 (Crystal Yang),张佳仪 (Jessica Zhang), 张隽哲 (Eric Zhang), 周丽丽 (Lily Zhou)
开场歌舞 (Opening Dance)
a. 传统舞狮Lion Dance
                  By 沙龙中文学校Sharon Chinese Language School
                  指导Instructors):骆慧/梁海燕Hui Luo/Haiyan Liang
        b. 喜迎春Welcome Spring
By 冯瑶中文班 (Teacher Feng’s Fun to Learn Chinese)
指导 (Instructor): 冯瑶  (Yao Feng)

1.     儿童小合唱 (Children’s Chorus)
a. Somewhere Working for My Lord
b.原创歌曲春眠Sleeping in Spring
 By 小小歌唱家Children of Sharon
指导 (Instructors): 沈珂莹, 杨彬

2.     彩虹少儿舞蹈Rainbow Children
       随它吧 Let it Go
       By Rainbow Children  
              指导 (Instructor):  朱立 (Julie Zhu)

3.     中文饶舌 (Tongue Twisting)
By 沙龙中学 Sharon Middle School
指导 (Instructor): 玉梅 (Yu Mei)

4.     小品 (Sketch)
袜子 (Socks)
By八音盒组合 (Music Box)
指导Instructor:张弛Chi  Zhang

5.     舞蹈 (Dance)
梦见月亮 (Dream about the Moon)
By天使舞蹈艺术学校 (Angel Dance School)
                  编舞 (Chorographer): 可可 (Ke Ke)
6.     歌舞表演(Singing & Dancing)
a.     小小羊儿来拜年 (Greeting of Little Lamb)
b.     让世界不一样 (What a Different World)
By杭雅茹课后班 Yaju Hang After care
指导(Instructor): 杭雅茹Yaju Hang

7.     空手道表演Karate show
猛虎之眼 Eyes of Tiger
By Field Martial Arts Karate Class
指导instructor): Derek Field

8.     小合唱(Chorus
随它吧!(Let it Go
By 沙龙高中 (Sharon High School)

Special Program: Community Service Award

9.     舞蹈Dance
美好祝福(Dance of the New Year
By 辣妈舞蹈队 (Sharon Spice Moms Dancing Group)
编舞Choreographer):可可Ke Ke

10.  朗诵 (Sing & Dance; Poetry Recital with Music)
中国好诗词 (Chinese Poems)
By维玲中文学校 (AP Chinese School)
指导 (Instructor): 安维玲 (WeiLing An)

11.  合唱 与舞蹈 (Singing & Dancing)
a.踏雪寻梅 Walking on Snow to Look for Plum Flowers
b.风告诉我 (Wind will tell me)
By徐剑中文班 (Jian Xu Chinese Language Learning)
指导(Instructor): 徐剑 (Jian Xu)
12.  合唱Chorus
a.     老年朋友来相会
b.     卓玛
By 老年合唱队 Sharon Chinese Senior Group
指导Instructor沈汉聪Hancong Shen

13.  小品 (Sketch)
中国吃文化 (Food of Chinese Cuisine)
By沙龙中文学校 (Sharon Chinese Language School)
指导(Instructor):李斌/赵彩香 (Bin Li/Caixiang Zhao)

14.  芭蕾(Ballet)
我的舞台我的梦My Dream Dancing Stage
By天使舞蹈艺术学校 (Angel Dance School)
   编舞Choreographer): 可可 (Ke Ke)

15.  小合唱Singing
a.     星月交辉Stars & Moon Shining
b.     青春舞曲 (??)
  By 青春之声合唱队(??)
   指导Instructor):张瑞Rui Zhang

16.  女声二重唱 (Duet)
By薛文琼 (Wen Qiong Xue), 徐剑 (Jian Xu)
钢琴(Pianist): 张瑞 (Rui Zhang)

17.  阳光老年舞蹈队 (Sunshine Senior Dance Team)
蝴蝶布鲁斯 (Butterfly Blues)
By Sharon 老年舞蹈队 (Sharon Chinese Senior Group)
指导老师 (Instructor): 刘志方

18.  小品(Sketch
战斗的周末 (A Busy Weekend)
By六号书社No.6 Reading Club

19.  流行歌曲弹唱 (POP Song Duet)
一块红布 (A Piece of Red Cloth)
By崔雷 (Lei Cui) 沈聪 (John Shen)

沙龙联合足球队拜年 Sharon Union Soccer Team Greetings!

20.  舞蹈(Dance
By美妈舞蹈队 (Beauty Moms Dancing Team)

21.  太极剑 (Taichi Sword)
我们的一天 (A Day Of Our Life
By 太极健身俱乐部 (Sharon Taichi Club)
指导 (Instructor): 张志青 (Zhiqing Zhang)

22.  大合唱 (Chorus)
a.     葡萄园 (Come on over)
b.     Dance of Sugar Plum
By Sharon 华人合唱团 (Sharon Chinese Chorus)
钢琴 (Pianist): 张瑞 (Rui Zhang)