20th International Association of Intercultural Communication Studies (IAICS) Conference
Enhancing Global Community, Resilience and Sustainability Through Intercultural Communication
July 31 – August 3, 2014
Providence RI
AUGUST 1 Keynote Speaker: DAVID BELLOS
Professor of French and Comparative Literature and Director of the Program in Translation and Intercultural Communication, Princeton UniversityDavid Bellos is an internationally recognized and award-winning expert on translation. He won the first Man Booker International Prize for translation in 2005 for his translations of works by Albanian author Ismail Kadare, despite not speaking Albanian; the translations were done from previous French translations. Bellos has written a number of award-winning literary biographies and an introduction to translation studies, Is That a Fish in Your Ear? Translation and The Meaning of Everything (2011).
Nationally-recognized journalist and energy expertLlewellyn King was born and educated in Southern Rhodesia, now Zimbabwe. At age 16, he began his career as a journalist and worked as a correspondent in Africa for Time magazine, among other international news organizations. In the late 1950s, he moved to London, where he wrote for a number of Fleet Street newspapers, the British Broadcasting Corporation and Independent Television Network. In 1963, he moved to New York City and worked for The New York Herald Tribune. Two years later, he started the first women’s liberation magazine, Women Now. Moving to the Baltimore-Washington, D.C. area in the late 1960s, he worked for The Baltimore News American, The Washington Daily News and The Washington Post. In 1973, after working as Washington editor of McGraw-Hill’sNucleonics Week, he started The Weekly Energy Report, which became The Energy Daily. In addition to The Energy Daily, King Publishing Group and King Communications Group newsletters now include: Defense Week, Space & Missile Defense Report, Navy News & Undersea Technology, New Technology Week and White House Weekly. In recent years, they have won top awards from the National Press Club and the Newsletter Publishers Association. King’s “Capital Diary” column inWhite House Weekly is often cited in major media, including The Washington Times, NBC’s “Meet the Press” and “The McLaughlin Group.” King is the host of “White House Chronicle,” which airs on public and cable television in Washington, D.C.
1. IAICS-2014 Conference website:
2. Free access to ICS online:
3, CMR special issue on "Managing Language and Cultural Challenges in Cross-border Deal-making"
4. Call for Submissions on "Sustainability, Resilience, and Global Communication" (see attached)
Guo-Ming Chen, Professor
IAICS Executive Director/CMR Co-Editor
Department of Communication Studies
University of Rhode Island
10 Lippitt Road, 310 Davis Hall
Kingston, RI 02881, USA
Tel: 401-874-4731/Fax: 401-874-4722
URL: http://www.uri.edu/personal/gmchen/
URL: http://www.uri.edu/iaics/
URL: http://www.chinamediaresearch.net/