Friday, March 29, 2013

SEEED Summit at Brown University. 4/26-27


Honorary Chairs

SEEED Honorary Chairs, Dr. Diana Wells, President of Ashoka, and Senator Sheldon Whitehouse, believe in the power of Social Enterprise as an economic development driver.  Come hear why.

Keynote Speakers...

Christina Paxson, President, Brown University

Other speakers

Our AMAZING lineup of speakers includes:

Martin Keen, Keen Shoes andFOCAL
David LePage, enp
Stephanie Lepp, Purpose

Katherine Lucey, Solar Sister
Dan McCombieRuna Tea
Folake Oguntebi, ImpactAssets
Andy Posner, Capital Good Fund
Ben Powell, Founder, Agora
Meg WirthMaternova

and many more....

Learn from the BEST!

Sign up for a half an hour that can make a difference in your venture, career, life.  

Join David Brancaccio, Ira Magaziner and Other Inspiring Changemakers at SEEED!

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Register Now for the SEEED Summit.  Join usat Brown University April 26-27 for a leading conference of social entrepreneurs, impact investors, and social enterprise thought leaders.  
Join Marketplace's David Brancaccio on Friday, April 26, 5:30- 9:00 for the SEEED Social at the Steelyard.  Speaking program begins at 7 pm.  Can't make it to the conference but want to join us Friday evening?  Register here.

Why David Brancaccio?

David has been reporting about social enterprise on the PBS NOW Series for years.  He believes in the power of social enterprise and has produced a film - Fixing the Future - that highlights social innovation.  
In Fixing the Future, David visits people and organizations across America that are working toward a revolution: the reinvention of the American economy. By featuring communities using sustainable and innovative approaches to create jobs and build prosperity, Fixing the Future inspires hope and renewal in a people overwhelmed by economic collapse.

Special Screening of Fixing the Future!

Join us on for a pre-conference screening of David Brancaccio's Fixing the Future at the Cable Car Cinena on Thursday April 25 at 7 pm.  More information coming soon!

Thanks to our sponsors

Game Changers: 
Worldways Social Marketing
Providence Journal Charitable Foundation
Schumaker Center for a New Economics
Basics Group
Brown Business, Entrepreneurship & Organizations
Brown University Entrepreneurship Program
Brown University Social Innovation Initiative
Brown University Taubman School
Groov-Pin Corporation
Leadership RI
Rhode Island Foundation
Cape Commons Beer
Greater Providence Chamber of Commerce
Peter and Lucia Gill Case
Providence College
Edgewood Holdings
Contact us to become a SEEED sponsor.
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Want more Inspiration?

Join us April 26-27 for theSEEED Summit at Brown University.  Hear from leading Changemakers like Ira Magaziner, David Brancaccio, Leslie Crutchfield and Carla Javits.

The Founding FACES

Khalil Fuller, NBA Math Hoops
Briana McGeough, Buy with Heart
Jummy Olagundoye,Jam2Fit
Angela Jackson, Global Language Project
Brandon Lane, Young Social Innovators
Shawn Rubin, Metryx
Bekah Greenwald Speck,Riverzedge Arts
Meg Wirth, Maternova
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March 20, 2013

Inspiration, food and fun at April 18 FACES

There will be no FACES in March, but save April 18, 6-8 pm for more social enterprise networking and inspiration!  As always, the Social Venture Partners RI, and RallyRI, teams will be waiting for you at the Friendship Cafe, 500 Broad St. in Providence!
FACES is a new networking event for the social venture sector.  It will be held the third Thursday of every month, 6-8 pm at the Friendship Cafe.  Food and beverages provided!!!

Introducing... Jamie Oliver at Home

Jamie Oliver At Home is a Rhode Island start-up based on the successful UK home party business led by Jamie Oliver, celebrity chef and best selling author.  After becoming aware of Jamie during his Food Revolution television series, CEO Tim Brown was impressed by Jamie's passion for educating people about how to eat better food, and live better lives.
With Tim's leadership background in the direct sales industry, he pursued a partnership with the Jamie Oliver and his team, and is currently launching this social business model in 2013 here in the US. The JOAH team - based in Hope Artiste Village, in Pawtucket, RI - plans to build on the awareness driven by the Food Revolution movement and carry the "Better Food Better Life" mission to homes across America on a daily basis.

AND Urban Greens

Urban Greens Food Co-op is working to open a full-scale consumer-owned cooperative grocery store on Providence’s west side, to provide direct access to affordable, local, and healthy products.
Consumer Co-ops benefit both the individual member-owners and the broader community:
● Members get to have a direct say in the food they’re eating, and the store they shop at, as well as financial benefits in the form of member sales, bulk ordering, and patronage dividends.
● The Community benefits because more dollars are kept in the community to circulate locally, and the coop will be sourcing heavily from local producers, creating more affordable, healthier, and tastier food options.


  • Meet some of RI's leading social entrepreneurs
  • Create new collaborations
  • Learn about opportunities in the growing social venture sector
  • Meet community and business leaders who are suporting social ventures


Contact us if you:
  • want to become a FACE (you are a social entrepreneur and want to be featured in our growing community).
  • want to present at an upcoming event (each month we will feature a different venture).
  • want to join the growing social enterprise movement as a mentor or volunteer.
  ©2010 SVPRI – Social Venture Partners Rhode Island •