布朗大学“幕光|镜语”中国电影之夜 第二次活动召集
时间:8:30 pm,Thursday, November 1st, 2012.
地点:Robert Center 201, Petteruti Lounge, 75 Waterman St.
影片: 张艺谋《英雄》(2002)
《英雄》 是由中国著名导演张艺谋根据历史故事“荆轲刺秦”改编执导的一部武侠片。它耗资3000万美元,汇集了李连杰,梁朝伟,张曼玉,陈道明,章子怡等一批当红影星。2002年在中国上映,缔造了当时中国电影的最高票房纪录。2004年8月在北美上映连续两周夺得票房冠军,是目前中国电影全球票房最高纪录保持者。
Hero is a martial hero film directed by Chinese director Zhang Yimou based on the story of Jing Ke’s assassination attempt on the King of Qin in 227 BC. It was first released in 2002 in China, and became the highest-grossing motion picture in Chinese film history. It was presented in American theaters in 2004, and the total North American box grossing was the fourth highest among all foreign language films. It is also the present keeper of the highest-grossing Chinese film in the world.
Hero uses varied color tones cooperating with multi-perspective narrative that differentiate from traditional martial art film to make the story more visually methodical. It was appraised as a milestone that has promoted the development of commercial film in the new era of Chinese film history.