Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR)

Congressman Jim Langevin is partnering with the Rhode Island Small Business Development Center at Johnson & Wales University on Monday, June 25th to host an event that will focus on the Small Business Administration’s (SBA) Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) program.  
The featured presenter will be Sean Greene, the Associate Administrator for Investment and Special Advisor for Innovation, who runs the program nationally.  He will be joined by Rhode Island’s SBA District Director, Mark Hayward, to give an overview of opportunities available through SBIR and take your questions.
SBIR funding, which is directed to research and development by small businesses working on scientific and technological advances, has a proven track record of supporting successful projects.
Over the past 4 years, Ocean State companies have received more than 50 SBIR awards worth approximately $20 million. However, in conversations with business leaders in our state, it has become clear that we can take better advantage of this program to grow businesses and generate more economic activity.  The Rhode Island Innovation Forum is one step toward this goal.
This forum is open to the public, but an RSVP is required, and will begin at10:30am at the Johnson & Wales’ Culinary Arts Museum.  To sign up or request more information, email or call the Office of Jim Langevin at 401-732-9400