Wednesday, April 13, 2016

羅德島華人協會頒發獎學金 歡迎國會議員劉雲平

羅德島華人協會獎學金頒獎典禮,由該會董事東格林威治鎮學校委員會委員孫琰擔任司儀,2014年得獎學生,目前在紐約大學就讀的萬樞(Jerry Wan),2016年得獎的巴靈頓(Barrington)高中學生代表Vivian Tian致詞。頒獎之後的午餐會,還由獲獎學生們做臨時侍應生,藉以體會為社區服務的必須放下身段。
他當選為加州州議員後,就已開始和董繼玲等人合作,推動亞裔關注政治,時事,參與選舉,如今再進一步當選為國會眾議員,加入預算委員會,通過設立進出口銀行法案,為期五年的高速公路經費法案,目前他的工作重點在網路安全(cyber security),以及防止因種族樣貌引發的歧視(racial profiling)。他認為近年發生的諸如美國國家氣象局水文專家陳霞芬,天普大學教授超導專家郝小星等許多人無端被懷疑為間諜,逮捕後不出實證又釋放事件,對無辜的科學家們很不公平。
當天應邀到會嘉賓除了國會眾議員劉雲平之外,還包括羅德島州副州長麥基(Daniel J. McKee),羅州州務卿葛碧雅(Nellie Gorbea),克蘭斯頓市市長馮偉杰(Allan Fung),普塔基市市長桂必安(Don Grebien),中央瀑布市市長狄奧沙(James_Diossa)。
            今年的羅德島華人協會獎學金得獎學生,有4人來自巴靈頓高中,4人來自麻州高中。3人獲3000元,2人獲2000元,其餘得獎者各獲1000元。九名獎學金委員會委員中有三名羅德島華人協會董事,萬寅生,章賢信,饒彬。其餘六人為Lei Wei, Gongqin Chen, Nina Rao, Yaohua Zhang, Shhong Li, Yan Shen。
其中布朗大學醫學院副院長葉茱莉(譯音,Julianne Y. Ip, MD)代表該院與浙江大學的醫學院學生交流項目,布朗大學醫學院教授羅德島婦幼醫院主任宋建仁代表與成功大學醫學院學生的交流項目,依序各獲一、二萬元捐款。








SEG Hub 1st Anniversary 4/14

SEG Hub 1st Anniversary, Water, Energy and Environment Announcement, SEEED Update
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SEG Hub 1st Anniversary

SEG Hub (10 Davol Square) | April 14th | 6:00PM - 8:00PM

Join SEG THIS THURSDAY to celebrate the one year anniversary of opening the SEG Hub and learn about our exciting plans for expansion! Let's celebrate our first successful year of collaboration, convening, and coworking and ring in many more!
For more information and to RSVP, click here!

Water, Energy and Environment
Partnership Announcement Event

SEG Hub (10 Davol Square) | April 19th | 6:00PM - 8:00PM

Involved in the water, energy & environment sector? Come and find out how you can get involved in a thriving community committed to creating jobs and making Rhode Island more environmentally friendly!

Please join the SEG team on April 19th to learn more about our new partnership to support 'do well, do good' Water, Energy & Environment businesses. Hear from some of our new strategic partners - Clean Tech Open and  New England Clean Energy Council- and learn more about program support for Rhode Island ventures in these industries.

RSVP here!


The 2016 SEEED Summit is a leading national conference for social entrepreneurs, impact investors, and business and community leaders committed to social innovation. We hope you'll be among the 600+ current and future thought leaders expected to converge in Providence, RI April 29th and 30th, 2016.


The Medici Effect: Innovation at the Intersection

Participate in a 3-hour immersion experience with acclaimed author and thought-leader, Frans Johansson, on April 29th at 10:15am. Johansson will generate ideas directly relevant to your organization by looking at concepts, business ideas and approaches from unrelated fields, industries, cultures and business functions. He will tear apart, refine and rebuild these ideas in an intersectional process that incorporates the diverse perspectives in the room. Read more and discover other speakers at

We are the first impact conference in the U.S. to adopt a
"Pay What You Can" model!

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Social Enterprise Greenhouse
10 Davol Square, Unit 100
Providence, RI 02903

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Upcoming Rhode Island Small Business Seminars and Trainings

Upcoming Rhode Island Small Business Seminars and Trainings

Monday, April 18
The Power of Digital Marketing (SCORE – Southern Rhode Island Chamber of Commerce, 230 Old Tower Hill Road in Wakefield from 10:00am – 12:00pm and is free of charge.  To register, Click Here ):
Whether you're new to marketing online, or you've been doing it for years, this workshop will help you harness the power of digital marketing to grow your business in 2016!  Join experts from SCORE and Constant Contact and discover the five easy steps to define your marketing outreach.
• Grow a healthy contact list
• Create great content
• Customize a beautiful, mobile friendly template that matches your brand
• How to get your emails opened
• Tracking your results
From revealing why regular email doesn’t work, to insider tips and techniques like automated list building tools and design elements that work (and those that don’t!), this seminar will give you the keys to the most powerful cost-effective marketing you can do: digital marketing. Join us!
Tuesday, April 19
Get Noticed!  Optimize Your Website Through SEO (Center for Women & Enterprise – 132 George M. Cohan Boulevard in Providence from 9:30 – 11:30am.  Fee for seminar is $25.  To register, visit , or call 401-277-0800):
Search Engines are one of the primary ways that Internet users find websites. That’s why a website with good search engine listings may see a dramatic increase in traffic. Join us for this interactive session to learn about SEOs (Search Engine Optimization) – the main way your website gets “found” by search engines and helps improve your chances of appearing higher on search results. You will learn how to:
Use keywords to get a better position during searches
• Analyze your website traffic
• Submit to directories
• Leveraging link-building strategies
Wednesday, April 20
Safeguarding Your Assets: Strategies for Protecting Your IP and Trade Secrets (Chafee Center for International Business, Bryant University, Fisher Center, 2nd Floor, 1150 Douglas Pike in Smithfield from 8:00 – 11:00am.  Cost for seminar is $50.  To register, Click Here , or call 401-232-6407):
Your Intellectual Property and Trade Secrets are what make your company unique and successful.  Yet, is your company doing all it can to protect these assets from falling into the wrong hands?  In today’s globally competitive and high-tech environment, companies are more vulnerable than ever.  During this seminar, participants will hear from experts on Intellectual Property and Trade Secrets and best practices for keeping them safe. 
Topics to be covered include:
• What is Intellectual Property?
• How can IP be protected
• When should it be legally protected?
• What are Trade Secrets?
• How could my company be vulnerable?
• Best practices and training your employees
Tuesday, April 26
Franchising 101 (Center for Women & Enterprise – 132 George M. Cohan Boulevard in Providence from 5:30 – 7:30pm and is free of charge.  To register, , or call  401-277-0800):
Have you thought about opening a franchise?  Ever wonder what it would take?  Have you started to research opportunities and become overwhelmed with all the  information out there?  Join Luc Deslauriers from Fran Net as he helps you navigate the franchising world, sift through all the information out there, and help you get started on your path towards franchise ownership.
Improving Your Presentation Skills (Center for Women & Enterprise – 132 George M. Cohan Boulevard in Providence from 1:00 – 3:00pm.  Fee for seminar is $20.  To register, visit , or call 401-277-0800):
Whether you are a budding entrepreneur, a job seeker, or a business professional, presentation skills are critical to your success. Learn the dos and don’ts of how to give a presentation, how to approach your subject with confidence, and how to avoid common pitfalls when presenting to an audience.
Thursday, April 28
Es el empresariado adecuado para usted?  (Center for Women & Enterprise – 132 George M. Cohan Boulevard in Providence from 10:00am – 12:00pm and is free of charge.  To register, visit , or call 401-277-0800):
• Explorar el proceso y aprender acerca de los riesgos y beneficios de poner en marcha su propio negocio.
•  Llevar a cabo una autoevaluación que le ayudará a decidir si iniciar su  propio negocio es adecuado para usted.
• Escuchar historias de éxito de mujeres que han trabajado con CWE y ahora están prosperando en el mundo de los negocios.
• Obtener una visión general de los diversos recursos en CWE y en otros lugares para ayudar a seguir adelante con su idea de negocio y tener éxito.
• Tener la oportunidad de programar una consulta individualizada con la Directora de Programas  de CWE.

The Seeed Summit update

The countdown is on! 21 days until #SEEED16.
The 2016 SEEED Summit is a leading national conference for social entrepreneurs, impact investors, and business and community leaders committed to social innovation. We hope you'll be among the 600+ current and future thought leaders expected to converge in Providence, RI April 29th and 30th, 2016.
"Let's build the economy of abundance.
Let's find excess capacity and unleash it.
Let's open assets, data, and minds.
Let's address climate change and income inequality.
Let's create the world we want to live in. "

Robin Chase is a transportation entrepreneur. She is co-founder and former CEO of Zipcar, the largest carsharing company in the world; Buzzcar, a peer to peer carsharing service in France (now merged with Drivy); and GoLoco, an online ridesharing community. She is also co-founder and Executive Chairman of Veniam, a vehicle communications company building the networking fabric for the Internet of Moving Things. Chase will be giving the final keynote address at 1:30pm onSaturday, April 30th.

The 2016 SEEED Summit includes its first ever impact pitch competition onSaturday, April 30th!

Pitch your social business to win coaching, business services, one year of SEG co-working, and eligibility for a $25K interest-free loan! All social enterprises are eligible to apply. Must be able to attend the Pitch Competition on Saturday, April 30th, 2016 from 2:30- 3:30 PMApplications close April 13th.

Click here to apply!
The Buy With Heart Marketplace at The 2016 SEEED Summit highlights the products and services of social enterprises. Vendors will have the chance to engage with speakers and entrepreneurs from around the country, while showcasing their products and services. Applications close April 16th. Vendors will be selected on a first-come, first-serve basis, act now!

Click here to apply!
Kevin Cunningham is a designer and artist committed to make his art have meaning, aesthetic beauty and sustainability. His social enterprise, Spirare Surfboards, explores innovative surfboard design using alternative materials and methods to make highly functional pieces of fine art that emphasize green design and sustainable construction. Spirare strives to use the most eco-friendly materials and methods available without compromising on performance. Cunningham is a featured panelist during the Impact of Effective Communications session at 10:30am-12:00pm on Saturday April, 30th.
We are the first impact conference in the U.S. to adopt a "Pay What You Can" model!