Wednesday, July 29, 2015

T.F. Green Airport GREEN SPACE Gallery

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Artist's Reception
T.F. Green Airport
The Rhode Island State Council on the Arts (RISCA) and the Rhode Island Airport Corporation invite you to join us on Friday, August 7, 2015 at GREEN SPACE as we celebrate the summer exhibit, PERSONAL SPACE, featuring the works of Nayoung JeongKaren Roarke and Nick McKnight.  Please come view current works on display in the Intermodal lobby areas and meet the exhibiting artists. 

Additionally, the Gallery Coordinator will be on hand to answer questions about the exhibit program and application process for the upcoming season. Parking will be validated for this event.
GREEN SPACE Gallery at T.F. Green Airport, located in the Intermodal/Rental Car facility to the right of baggage claim on the lower level.

PARK in short term lot D, and bring your ticket in for validation.

ENTER at Arrivals/ground floor, and proceed to Intermodal lobby area to the right of baggage claims.
RECEPTION Friday, August 7, 2015 4:00-6:00 pm
Click here to RSVP for this reception
Click here to view images of PERSONAL SPACE, the Summer 2015 show at T.F. Green Airport's GREEN SPACE
The Airport Galleries, a partnership between the Rhode Island State Council on the Arts and the Rhode Island Airport Corporation, promote outstanding work of notable Rhode Island artists in exhibitions throughout the year. Artwork is selected on a yearly basis; announcement of the Call to Artists is posted on the RISCA website as well as state and local press, including the Block Island Times and The Providence Journal.  To view current artist opportunities, please visit RISCA's web blog at

About RISCA:
The Rhode Island State Council on the Arts is a state agency supported by appropriations from the Rhode Island General Assembly and grants from the National Endowment for the Arts, a federal agency. RISCA provides grants, technical assistance and staff support to arts organizations and artists, schools, community centers, social service organizations and local governments to bring the arts into the lives of Rhode Islanders.

About RIAC:
The Rhode Island Airport Corporation operates T.F. Green Airport and Block Island Airport and other general aviation airports in Rhode Island. A long-time supporter of public art in Rhode Island, the Rhode Island Airport Corporation has worked with the Rhode Island State Council on the Arts on a number of public art commissions for T. F. Green Airport.
For more information contact
Molly Dickinson, gallery coordinator,

Tuesday, July 28, 2015


羅德島大學(URI)電子,電腦及生物醫學副教授孫琰(Yan Sun)當選為羅德島州普域敦斯商報(Providence Business News)的四十名四十以下傑出青年。
普域敦斯商報日前在羅德島州沃維克(Warwick)市的十九世紀豪宅,奧爾德里奇大廈(Aldrich Mansion)裏舉行頒獎典禮。羅德島大學校長杜雷(David M Dooley),工程學院院長萊特(Raymond Wright)等人都親自出席道賀。
孫琰當天還特地邀請她仰慕的羅德島大學資深教授,創辦了 VeloBit公司,並於2013年被西方數位併購的楊慶出席。孫琰的工程師丈夫葉凌挺,女兒葉子悅,也在場分享榮耀。
普域敦斯商報大約十年前才開始舉辦這一活動。羅德島州克蘭斯頓市(Cranston)市長馮偉傑(Allan Fung)在2005年,35,還擔任克蘭斯頓市市議員時,也曾獲選。
1988年從北大畢業,2004年從馬里蘭大學獲得博士學位的孫琰,今年39。她從畢業後就應聘至羅德島大學任教,不但是電氣電子工程師學會(IEEE)資訊取證及安全技術委員會委員,還是該學會期刊副編輯,去年當選為資訊取證及安全技術工作坊主席。2007年,她還獲得美國國家科學基金會成就獎(NSF CAREER Award)。2010年時,又在電氣電子工程師學會的社交計算(social computing)國際會議上獲得最佳論文獎。
根據普域敦斯商報資料,今年得獎者中還有一名華裔,現年36,在羅德島州健康廳擔任醫學主任,以及醫藥基金大學傳染病組醫生的陳菲利普(Phile A. Chan)。
波士頓商業期刊(Boston Business Journal)也每年舉辦四十名四十歲以下傑出青年頒獎活動。波士頓華人社區曾獲獎者包括亞美社區發展協會的現任行政主任陳潔瑩,曾任該會董事會主席,現為董事的曹育倫等人。

            左起,羅德島大學教授創業家楊慶,羅德島大學校長辦公室幕僚長Michelle Curreri,葉凌艇,葉子悅(前),孫琰,羅德島大學校長杜雷(David M Dooley)博士,羅德島大學工程學院院長萊特(Raymond Wright)博士。


另一名得獎華裔,羅德島州健康廳擔任醫學主任陳菲利普(Phile A. Chan)。


Statement of Cranston Mayor Allan Fung Regarding the RI State Police Assessment

Statement of Cranston Mayor Allan Fung Regarding the RI State Police Assessment

“On Thursday, I was notified that the Rhode Island State Police had completed their assessment of the Cranston Police Department, which I had requested in January of 2014.  On Friday afternoon, Assistant City Solicitor Evan Kirshenbaum and I drove to the office of State Police Colonel Stephen O’Donnell to pick up this report.  At that time, I thanked Colonel O’Donnell, Lt. Col. Barry and Captain Moynihan for their efforts on behalf of the City of Cranston and the Cranston Police.

A preliminary review of this report by City Solicitor Christopher Rawson revealed the confidential nature of much of its contents, including personally identifiable health information, confidential personnel matters, pending litigation, and investigations.  In response to these concerns, Solicitor Rawson and I delivered a copy of the assessment report to the Office of Attorney General Peter Kilmartin.  I have formally requested an advisory opinion from the Attorney General as to which contents may be appropriate for public disclosure.

My intention has always been transparency about this report and I await the opinion from the Attorney General’s office about what portions may be public.  In addition, I have called for a meeting with the City Council on Wednesday to update them and allow access to the report.”