Wednesday, May 7, 2014

羅德島州兩人獲選為2014總統學者 華裔Heather Shen 忝為其一

Via Vickie Huang, Mike Chang, Sunny Ng

U.S. Secretary of Education Arne Duncan today announced the selection of Heather Shen of East Greenwich, Rhode Island who attends East Greenwich High School in East Greenwich, as a 2014 U.S. Presidential Scholar.
Shen is one of 141 outstanding American high school seniors that have demonstrated outstanding academic achievement, artistic excellence, leadership, citizenship, service, and contribution to school and community. The U.S. Presidential Scholars will be honored for their accomplishments in Washington D.C., from June 22-25.
“The extraordinary young men and women being honored for the 50th anniversary of the Presidential Scholars have excelled in their educational, artistic and civic pursuits,” Duncan said. “They show all of us that
. These scholars will help move our country forward and will have a lasting impact on their families, communities, and on our society. They represent the potential of all young citizens to lift up America.”
The White House Commission on Presidential Scholars, appointed by President Obama, selects honored scholars annually based on their academic success, artistic excellence, essays, school evaluations and transcripts, as well as evidence of community service, leadership, and demonstrated commitment to high ideals. Of the three million students expected to graduate from high school this year, more than 3,900 candidates qualified for the 2014 awards determined by outstanding performance on the College Board SAT and ACT exams, and through nominations made by Chief State School Officers or the National YoungArts Foundation’s nationwide YoungArtsTM competition.
The 2014 U.S. Presidential Scholars are comprised of one young man and one young woman from each state, the District of Columbia and Puerto Rico, and from U.S. families living abroad, as well as 15 chosen at-large and 20 U.S. Presidential Scholars in the Arts.
Created in 1964, the U.S. Presidential Scholars Program has honored more than 6,500 of the nation’s top-performing students with the prestigious award given to honorees during the annual ceremony in D.C. The program was expanded in 1979 to recognize students who demonstrate exceptional talent in the visual, literary and performing arts
Since 1983, each Presidential Scholar has been offered the opportunity to name his or her most influential teacher. Each distinguished teacher is honored with a personal letter from the Secretary of Education.

The teacher chosen for recognition by Shen was David Rubinstein of East Providence, RI.

美國教育部日前公佈141名,2014年總統學者獎名單。羅德島州東格林威治高中學生沈众然(Heather Shen),忝列其一。
            沈众然的母親Yan Li表示,她們全家都對沈众然的獲得美國高中生最高榮譽獎,感到十分光榮。
            美國教育部部長鄧肯(Arne Duncan)日前在公佈總統學者得獎名單時表示,今年是總統學者獎五十週年。這141名傑出的美國高中生,全都在學業,藝術成就,領導力,公民服務,對社會及學校的貢獻上,有傑出表現。他們不但帶動了國家前進,也將對他們的家庭,社區,社會有長遠影響,將提升整個美國。
白宮總統學者委員會成立於1964年,迄今已在華府表揚了6500名全美表現最優秀學生。1979 年時,這一表揚學生項目,擴大到也表揚在視覺,文學,表演藝術上有傑出才能的學生。
沈众然提名的老師是羅德島州東普域敦斯(Providence)的David Rubinstein。