Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Cranston學校部門惹爭議 市長發信表失望

From the Desk of Mayor Allan Fung

September 18, 2012
Press Release
Mayor Fung’s Statement on the
Cranston School Department’s Ban on Father-Daughter dances
Cranston, R.I.- I am utterly disappointed to have such a time-honored tradition under attack in the name of political correctness. Traditions like this are what make up the fabric of our childhood memories and definitely contribute to the well being of our children as a whole.
In the zeal to protect people who feel they are being disenfranchised, this policy has completely denied our children of one of the most cherished traditions in their school experience. I sympathize with these parents because it seems once again that Cranston is at the epicenter of another attack on our traditions by the ACLU.
I have been flooded with calls from angry parents upset with the Cranston School Department’s decision to ban gender specific events like the Father-Daughter dances in Cranston. Although I do not have any legal authority over the issue, I implore the Cranston School Committee to review this decision and find a way to make this work for the children and their parents.
I encourage all parents that are upset with this decision to contact their school committee members and make their voices be heard.